Rui had spent the next few hours placing the explosives in the right locations. He had to be very precise and accurate in his placing.

If he threw them around haphazardly, then the beast might simply not take the risk to come hunting at all. He placed all the explosives on the other side of the hunting areas away from the heartland of the Shaia Plains, lining them inwards.

This would make it seem like very distant predators were approaching each hunting zone from the other side. These explosives were all placed extremely far away from the hunting zone that Rui wanted to guide the beast too, to ensure that they wouldn't prevent the beast from going where he wanted it to.

This plan did require a bit of luck. Rui needed a herd of deer or gazelle of significant number to graze in the grazing lands where he hadn't placed any explosives, where he intended to hide, lure and ambush the target of his mission.

Once he had placed the explosives, he had three hours before it was time. He went over his plan once more.

('First, I need to find a herd of deer and gazelle in the area I haven't placed any explosives before dusk arrives.')

He couldn't do this after dusk arrived like he did before, because by then the creature would undoubtedly be awake and active. If he used any Apprentice-level techniques after the creature was awake and alert, then it would immediately detect him and avoid the general area he was in. And he couldn't possibly travel far without any Apprentice-level techniques.

Thus, he ideally should have found at the very least one herd of deer in the location he was planning to lure the beast in. If there were more than one, then he should probably round them up or monitor the largest herd out of all of them.

He had initially intended to merely gain intelligence; however, the Martial Union and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment had already confirmed that the difficulty of the second objective; the beast's extermination was within the difficulty grade initially set by the Martial Union. After reviewing all the evidence at hand, they had come to the conclusion that even if a grade-five Martial Artist may not be able to succeed in exterminating the beast before it escaped, they were likely strong enough to at the very least escape with their life in a fight against Martial Artists.

they wrong, well, that was the life of a Martial Artist. Every Martial Artist knew that traversing their Martial Path in the Martial World meant a life of peril, they

Rui had received word of this decision, he had to alter his plan a little

first objective

to find a herd, the largest

and he had become more proficient with tracking down herds of herbivores. He immediately began running towards the herd, but abstained from using any Apprentice-level techniques, although it was still some time before the beast likely grew active, Rui didn't want to take any chances at all. He didn't think the Ministry would take kindly to

he ran into a big enough herd, and thankfully the only large herd of

the size of a small skyscraper and watched the herd from above. Against normal predators that relied on normal senses, this may have been a bad decision, but against a beast with a seismic

through the gigantic boulder and only then through the ground, muffling and distorting the readings to a good degree. Even though the seismic radiation and the location of the source would very much

was finally in place, and dusk had come, the beast was on

grew taut with alertness and he dismissed all of his senses to focus his mind utmost on the

glanced at his pocket watch. ('Any

his seismic sensing picked up a bunch of impacts in the ground

explosives had gone off exactly when he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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