Five hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

One hundred meters.

Fifty meters.

Ten meters.

Just when it was ten meters away from the herd, Rui was already in crouched tensed position, waiting for the right moment to use Balanced Direction, Parallel Walk and Outer Convergence to leap towards it.

And there it was.

The ground trembled, and a meter away from herd, a huge bump emerged.

Five meters in length, five pairs of limbs, scales covering its entire body. But that was not the most eye-drawing part of the beast.

It had a single big eye, and a circular mouth that expanded immensely to reveal jagged razor-sharp teeth within as multiple tentacle-like tongues protruded out.

It looked like a monster created by a character design department of a horror film that were allocated far too much time and money to make the monster look as grotesque and terrifying as possible.

It was the first time that Rui had seen such a grotesque creature in either of his lives.

device was strapped onto his body, a feature

one beast. He wanted to document its consumption to verify that this beast was in fact the beast responsible for the mass-hunting of the herbivorous population of

in seconds, as its

living gazelle was reduced to a skeletal carcass in less than a

was when Rui decided to jump in. He clutched the standard-issue tracking device and leapt towards the beast with Apprentice-level techniques. The beast in turn froze as it detected


grinning in ecstasy and flinching in disgust at the beast's

of making expressions in the first place. It was an apex predator as well, even if it avoided other predators, that was to minimize risk,

in front of him. The weight of his mind

nascent instinctual sixth sense, if it could be called that, as a result of evolution. This sixth sense was a result of subconscious analysis and evaluation of the risk and

instincts were warning it that as tiny as the little

been interrupted, evoking its primal rage and unsated hunger, on the other, fighting someone as strong as Rui in its current hungered state was even

more rational than I expected.') Rui noted. The beast had simple stared at

beast retreated, as

rational.') Rui cursed, he'd hoped the

this, and

saliva to break down


a button on a device he had obtained with the

a detonator, a detonator that detonated all the explosives he had obtained from the Ministry of Ecology

the explosives he had obtained had long been detonated before to guide the

ten meters deeps outside

detonator was triggered, the beast

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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