Fae unloaded an unbelievable onslaught of attacks onto Avi as the latter struggled to stay on his feet. His arms were broken already and the damage was no longer being restricted to them. Because his arms were broken, they were no longer able to guard the rest of his body effectively.

His ribs, joints and muscles were all reeling from the impact. He had already begun to cough blood due to some internal bleeding in his body.

He wouldn't be able to last much longer!

('Just how much power does she have?') He cursed. Praying she would be done soon.

His prayers were answered.

Suddenly her onslaught stopped, and her arms dropped, dangling freely. Her fair skin had taken on a sickly darker hue.

Time was up.

It was over.

Her mighty feared palms had failed.

Failed her, when she needed them the most.

Avi's eyes twinkled. Yet just as he launched himself at her;


"ARGH!" He coughed blood as her kick cratered into his ravaged body.


kick struck his jaw, rattling his

most elementary inferences. This was often caused by a variety of factors outside of intelligence. Conditioned inertia, when something abnormal becomes so normal that people forget that it was ever abnormal in the first place. Intense emotions in the heat of suspenseful moments also created psychological blind

perhaps for a lot of

years, not a single soul had seen Fae kick. It was an unheard-of phenomenon and one that most people wouldn't even conceive of. In that high-intensity situation, when Fae's formidable palms and arms collapsed, he had immediately felt incredible ecstasy and

realize that 'hey, maybe she can

he did. But Fae's weakness, or what he considered to

kick to the jaw rattled his


ground like a bag

Avi Seth had lost.

the match, but also his chances of

several seconds, there

supervisor shook his head, breaking out of his reverie. He had been so engrossed he had forgotten he had

coloured in. The poison was

didn't even return to her friends. The medical team immediately rushed her to the temporary section and gave her

the students purchase, since they were the ones who sold them to them in the first place. They were well-prepared for all

she was back on her feet feeling invigorated after a rejuvenation


help but admit she had

was close

get in that last kick, which along with the earlier damage I inflicted was enough to put him out of

Milliana asked out of

me detox potions that cleared out the poison from my system. "I'm perfectly okay

her peak in her succeeding matches. He would take no please in beating her when she was in a weakened state. With this, he could put aside any worry and go all-out against

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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