Everyone tensed when match commenced.

No one could get used to it.

Kane exhaled a puff of air and sashayed out of reality.

It was as though he had ceased to exist.

Could one fight someone who may as well no exist?

That the herculean task Sahar Kal was faced with.

('Now then...') Rui mused as he closed his eyes. ('What does she plan to do?')

By now the entire Academy was aware of the magician that Kane had come to be. Surely Sahar must have had some plan against him.

"RAAARGH!" She swung at empty air all around her.


"HYAAAH!" She drop-kicked empty air.



She body-slammed empty air.

and Primordial instinct that Kane hadn't landed a single attack at all since the match began. He

a bit depressed. He was hoping he could get some useful data, but it seemed that this was merely unrealistic optimism on his

had begun moving towards her while she continued swinging empty

coincidentally launched a sweeping kick just where Kane was about to attack


would never get hit by such

he was visible the instant he

The Void Step technique was a technique that misdirected attention and cognition of observers via maneuvering-based misdirection techniques. It employed the same tricks that magicians used in order to perform magic. Once someone was paying attention on the user, the user would move while misdirecting their opponent's attention away from them and the direction they were moving in. Meaning in order to actually

to inadvertently pause or stop in order to avoid

effect, it seemed. That one brief moment of Kane appearing

was the first time Rui was able to associate a cause with the phenomenon. Since he hadn't purchased the technique, he wasn't familiar with


his opponent with a

Void Step technique, he had inadvertently become more offensive

because of any changes

was simply because he was too strong, he didn't need bother using his real Martial Art against most Martial

the point of being super evasive if his opponent

he did run into a Martial Apprentice who could counter the Void Step technique and sense him despite it,


time. Victory could

not just her vitals. He was cautious but not worried, he didn't think there was anything she could really


her throat before casually evading a wild haymaker with

more and more wildly as


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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