"Alright alright, that's enough." He broke the two apart. "Are all of them descendants of Martial families?"

"Yep." Kane replied.

"Figured." Rui sighed. "Atleast, that makes reconnaissance easier. What can you tell me about them?"

"Honestly, not much." Fae sighed. "It's been two years, the information we have is extremely outdated. Look how much all of us have grown in two years, after all."

Rui nodded. "I understand that. Just tell me what type of Martial Art they have."

"Sure." Fae agreed. "I know Fiona and Ian the best, so I'll begin with them. Fiona as I told you is an extreme all-rounder with immense mastery in all aspects of combat with her sheer talent and affinity for all fields. Ian on the other hand is much more specialized."

"Specialized in what?"

"He specializes in breathing techniques."

"Interesting..." Rui's face flashed with intrigue. He hadn't heard of a breathing technique specialist before, there certainly wasn't one in the Academy.

"He had mastered breathing techniques incredibly quickly at a young age. I have no idea how strong he is now." Fae said. "But given his talent and his age, he should have an incredibly solid Martial Art. I would suggest being careful with him."

"Will remember that." Rui said. "Anybody else?"

"Ferlicia was a heat technique user, if I remember correctly..." Kane pondered aloud.

"Right, though she had only mastered two techniques when we'd last met." Fae said.

Yet another type of Martial Art Rui hadn't seen before. He had seen temperature-based techniques in the Apprentice library, of course, but he wasn't familiar with

extremely strong defensive fighter. He's unbelievably tough." Kane pointed

him back then." Fae agreed. "Mia is a sound-based fighter, by the way. I don't know her personally but I've heard plenty

Byron." Kane said as he went down the list. "He's a nerve striking Martial

nerve striking Martial Art."

Fae said, earning a

"I'll have to look further into that, what

recall correctly..." Fae and Kane went on to divulge everything


of them was colourful

breathing, vibrations, nerves friction, sound and many

this, how could they possibly reach at the

of the five people in the Hajin Academy who all had a chance of being chosen as the representative, none of them

all deviants in their own

how well Rui would do

norm quite significantly. He had no experience against many of these Martial Art and

of these Martial Art techniques, even if he was being generous

not adapted to Gaea-based Martial Art yet, making it less affective. Rui had

the more he realized how difficult this ambition

he supposed to incorporate solutions for such almost magical Martial Art techniques? IT was truly confounding problem. Furthermore, it wasn't one or two or even handful of difficult techniques,

it still became quite difficult to use

Too mentally intensive. It

and the breakthrough to Martial Apprentice, he was able to master a portion of it,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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