He reached an isolated training hall that he had reserved for himself in advance.

He wanted solitude.

He sat down, meditating. He had begun mentally training his application of the VOID algorithm. Since the VOID algorithm was a system of information protocols, he didn't need to move in order to use it. He could hone it even if he was mediating.

His goal was to refine his application of the VOID algorithm. He went back through his previous fights in the preliminary contest. He had reviewed each of them mentally, taking notes on how he could have done things better.

And yet, when he closed his eyes...

He saw darkness.

He saw the void.

Ever since he had begun training, he had been trying visualize his Martial Art as an entity.

What would it look like?

What would it be?

What would it do?

He closed his eyes and looked inward. Looked at himself. Looked at his Martial Path. Looked his Martial Art.

He saw a universe.

Littered with stars. Littered with bright life.

center of it was

It moved.

poured. It

it consumed the light in the universe. Stars disappeared one by

a psychedellic vision. One that beggared

he understood what these strange sights

were his Martial

void that

void..." He whispered.

That didn't sound bad...

quite liked the


* * *

it was time. Only two days were left for the Martial Contest. The Martial Academy had arranged for secure transport that would escort him from Hajin to Vargard, the capital

he wasn't all too bothered with that at the moment. He had sat with his eyes most of the journey,

everything he knew about

Sixteen representatives.

Four rounds.

One champion.

held in was a large multi-environmental field that ensured no one Martial Art would gain an unfair advantage

contestants would be knocked out and eliminated from the contest every round, until there was only one person remaining. That person would

distinguished warriors with unique and powerful Martial Art. Over the past week, Rui had often visited the Apprentice library. The reason he did was not because he wanted to purchase any techniques for himself,

they might approach the fight and what

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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