Chapter 42

Today was Monday, and many residents in the neighborhood were heading out to work at this time. There were four families on their floor, all of whom were disturbed by Joseph’s ruckus and came out to see what was going on.

“Can you guys keep it down? This is a residential area, not a supermarket. If you want to make noise, do it somewhere else.”

“What’s the security guard doing? Why are they letting anyone in? I was filming late last night and was woken up by the noise. I’m going to give the security a piece of my mind!”

“If you keep making noise, I’m going to call the cops!”

Hearing the complaints from the neighbors, Dorian quickly apologized and dragged Joseph back into the house.

“Bro, why are you stirring up trouble so early in the morning?” Dorian asked with a frown..

“What am I stirring up?” Joseph shouted back with an ugly face, “I’d like to know what you guys are up to! Dorian, this is your lovely daughter, drugging me with aphrodisiacs and spreading those photos around. Is she trying to drive me to my grave?”

“Watch your mouth!” Dorian was about to respond when Cordelia scolded, “It was you guys who drugged Vivienne with aphrodisiacs yesterday and it backfired. Now you’re trying to blame her. Vivienne is only nineteen, how could you accuse her like this? What are you thinking?”

“Cordelia, shut up! This isn’t your place to speak! Don’t think just because you married my brother, you can boss me around. The Hawthorn family doesn’t need you to call the shots!”

“You shut up!” Dorian suddenly shouted back, “She’s my wife! I won’t let anyone insult her!”

He didn’t want to make a big fuss with Joseph, after all, Joseph was his brother.

But he dared to bully his wife in front of him, that was not something he could stand.

“Bro! I already made it clear with mom yesterday. From now on, we live our lives, you live yours. No interference. You better not stir up trouble for no reason, we don’t welcome you here!”

Dorian’s stand was never this firm before, he said rationally, “As for the aphrodisiac you took yesterday, it has nothing to do with Vivienne. You should take it up with mom! If she hadn’t asked Arabella to drug Vivienne, none of this would’ve happened! Moreover, don’t tell me you didn’t know anything about it. Vivienne is the victim, so you have no right to give her a hard time!”

Joseph was left speechless by his words.

about it all along.

who cooperated with Beatrice to do this.

that the drug would be used on him, let alone his affair

nanny–from last night.

keeping it a secret very carefully,

by the media. He couldn’t cover it up anymore, and the most embarrassing part was, Octavia had a paternity test done to confirm that they were father

had come to the Hawthorn

stressed out. He had no choice but to

a divorce. Vivienne has to explain to me, otherwise, if I’m not living a peaceful life, your

Dorian was shocked by his nonsense, not knowing what to

“What do you want

“Of course it’s…”

finish his sentence, Vivienne cut him off, “You want me to say that you didn’t cheat on your wife, didn’t have an illegitimate child,

and speechless by Vivienne’s

You planned everything so perfectly, wanting Octavia to maintain your dignity and your mistress to enjoy the treatment of your wife, do

trending topic about Joseph’s personal affairs wasn’t leaked by her, she wouldn’t stoop to do such a thing.

how dare you speak to me like that!” Joseph couldn’t refute Vivienne’s words and was so embarrassed that

I dare to give you aphrodisiacs again!” Vivienne looked at him coldly,

at Vivienne, “It was you! It was you who drugged me

his hand to hit Vivienne, but suddenly,

his butt and tried to get

at Vivienne and gritted his teeth, “What have you done to

and Cordelia were both stunned

Vivienne had

was about to hit Vivienne, Dorian instinctively wanted to protect Vivienne, but

didn’t do anything, she didn’t

was too

do it?


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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