Chapter 43

Joseph was dumbstruck, staring at Vivienne without uttering a word.

She had been hiding behind the door, and he hadn’t noticed!

What did it mean that she had slipped him a aphrodisiac?

As if to answer his silent question, Vivienne’s grin widened. “What happened yesterday was payback for what you did years ago, Joseph. You weren’t wrongly accused!”

Her expression was surprisingly calm, not a trace of anger on her face.

But that made her all the more devilish.

“You!” Joseph pointed at Vivienne, “You’re,nothing but trouble!”

“Enough! Big bro!” Dorian suddenly roared. “Evelyn is your sister–in–law, and you did that to her. Now you dare to insult Vivienne. Do you think I wouldn’t cut ties with you?”

He was filled with regret.

Utter regret!

When he knew Beatrice disliked Vivienne’s mother, he had thrown himself into his work, thinking that if he tried harder, Beatrice would accept Vivienne’s mother.

As a result, he had completely neglected his family.

“Get out of my house. From now on, you’re not welcome here,” Dorian said, pointing towards the door.

He wanted to seek justice for Vivienne’s mother, but without evidence, even calling the police wouldn’t help if Joseph just denied everything.

The only thing he could do was to break off contact with Joseph.

“What do you want Vivienne to explain?” Cordelia couldn’t hold back her anger. “What about you and Emma? Vivienne ‘did drug you, but that was because you drugged her first. She was just getting back at you!”

Cordelia spoke up resolutely. “You cheated on your wife, you even have a bastard child. You did something wrong and you blame Vivienne? Where’s your dignity?”

having a hard time in the Hawthorn family these

family wasn’t well–off, and after marrying Dorian, she was looked

but she had been

had bullied Vivienne’s mother, she couldn’t

patience would never earn their

it was better

to keep them away

up! This isn’t your place to talk!” Joseph shouted angrily.

to speak here!” Cordelia retorted sternly. “Leave my house now, or I’ll call

the usually docile Cordelia to be so firm,

regained his senses and barked, “Call the police! Go ahead! She drugged me, and you’re still on

“Me drugging you?


no evidence.

said lightly, “You have no evidence that I

the guts to stand here and argue with

weren’t causing trouble, that

Joseph was Dorian’s

still feel

she hadn’t been overly demanding

even wondered, she had only been getting along with Dorian for half a month, but she had already strayed from her original intention when she first

family without

had changed her mind?

the affection Dorian had

Joseph was fuming, but he also realized that Vivienne was cunning. If he kept causing a scene, she would definitely call

he had no proof that Vivienne had drugged

Hawthorn family was at her

Hawthorn family and him had

too weak. He gritted his teeth and said, “You just wait and

this, he glared at Dorian, “Aren’t you going to make her give me the

he was his brother after all. He could only look at Vivienne helplessly, “Vivienne…” Without making things

took the antidote,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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