Chapter 154

Leopold, dejected, turned to leave, but after a couple of steps, he turned back, placing the cattle hair needles in Vivienne’s hand.

Vivienne held the cattle hair needles, exchanging a silent gaze with Percival. Whatever romantic atmosphere they had was shattered by Leopold’s interruption.

Eventually, they shared a warm smile.

Checking the time, Vivienne turned to head back to the basement, only to hear Percival calling her from behind. “Vivienne.”

She turned around to see him standing in the moonlight, smiling at her gently. “I’ll be waiting

for our next round.”

Vivienne’s cheeks flushed a crimson hue, and she left, holding the cattle hair needles.

By the time she reached the basement, Elijah was barely alive.

Raymond, following Vivienne’s instructions, had tested all the torture tools in the basement on Elijah. He had arrived with a fearful gaze, which now lay cold and hardened as he looked at the wounds and bloodstains he had inflicted on Elijah.

Vivienne was right. Without a ruthless heart, how could he protect his little sister?

“You may leave now.” Vivienne dismissed him when she saw her goal was met.

Once Raymond left, a weakened Elijah managed to lift his head to look at her. “Ha. Is this the best you can do?”

“Save that for later.” Vivienne taunted him, waving the cattle hair needles in her hand.

Elijah’s pupils dilated in fear. He was familiar with the terrifying effects of the cattle hair needles, having used it on Dorian himself.

“Don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you.” Vivienne assured him with a slight smile. “Whatever my family has endured, I will make you pay a hundred fold.”

night, nobody knew what Elijah suffered under

basement to check, he was met with a foul smell. Elijah was hanging from the wall, convulsing, having lost control

Vivienne wasn’t joking about making Elijah pay

hundred days, a mere seven days were enough for Elijah to experience

days later, Vivienne and Percival went to the hospital to pick up Dorian upon his discharge. The hospital’s TV was



Chapter 154

a week ago, was found unconscious in front of East District Police Station this

Elijah’s name, Dorian’s eyes flashed with fear, while Cordelia muttered, “He

Dorian’s fear and his forced composure. She

they left the hospital. “Did you hear

such insignificant people and


Rivenwood.” Cordelia wondered. Just a few days ago, Beatrice had been begging for money in

the afternoon, when Vivienne and Percival went to Cloudcrest High School, they

pay it much mind. Even if Arabella moved to Rivenwood, as long as she dared harm her family again, Vivienne had ways to ensure she

Arabella, she was more concerned about something

come to Cloudcrest High School

her mother’s last mission, nearly all the members of her team were sacrificed.


heard that the person’s daughter was studying at Cloudcrest High School under a

was here to

going through Cloudcrest High School’s student

started to doubt the accuracy of Matthew’s


than half a month until the college

was driving Vivienne to school, they were rear-ended right outside

school gate.

it seemed more like a

years, was taken aback. He had never met anyone bold

he could get out of the car to question the culprit,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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