Chapter 155

Percival slightly raised his eyes, his stern face devoid of any expression. His half-closed eyes glimmered with a dangerous light.

Seeing this, Thomas immediately chimed in. “Please show some respect. Ms. Hawthom is our master’s fiancée.”

In front of others, Thomas referred to Percival as his master.

Paul scoffed, his disdainful gaze brazenly sizing up Vivienne. “Fiancée? Did Grandpa lose his mind to choose such a girl with no background at all for you?”

This was something that many members of the Ellington family couldn’t comprehend. Richard was so partial to Percival, so how could he arrange a marriage with Vivienne, a girl with no background at all?

However, because of this, many had ulterior motives. They thought if they could find a strong alliance with a powerful family, with the support of a powerful father-in-law, they might compete with Percival for the head of the family.

Paul obviously thought so too. “She is indeed pretty. She’s suitable for a fling, but not for marriage. We, born into the Ellington family, should know that only daughters from noble families like the Brooks are suitable for marriage into our family.”

His gaze fell on Arabella’s face. Arabella timely showed him a shy smile as he pleasingly said, “Only the likes of Arabella are worthy of entering our family’s door.”

“I didn’t know that our family had such a rule!” Before Paul could continue to ingratiate himself with Arabella by humiliating Vivienne, a cold, angry laugh from Richard came from Percival’s car.

“Paul, did you set this rule yourself?!”

“Grandfather…” Paul’s face changed as he saw Percival holding up his phone at him, displaying Richard’s stern face.

He didn’t expect Percival to call Richard.

Richard’s contemptuous gaze glanced at Arabella. “Since you disobeyed me and went anyway, don’t bother

Paul was shocked. He didn’t understand why Richard wouldn’t support his marriage to the

Vivienne is the granddaughter-in-law I personally chose. She’s not some random thing like you to compare with!”

when she was referred

what do you mean?!” Tristan stood up to

Chapter 155

to talk to me!” Richard didn’t even give

of the Brooks family, and from Richard’s position, when he was unhappy,

know how to protect your own fiancée? Do you even deserve to marry Vivienne? Let me tell you, there are plenty of good men in the Ellington family. If

speaking unhurriedly,

Vivienne often said that problems that could be

So he tattled.

following his

was pretty good

annoyed by Paul’s repeated provocations against

were all members of the Ellington family, and with Richard mediating, he couldn’t


Arabella to crash into Percival’s car just now. He had done similar things many times in Rivenwood, and each time he was just

he didn’t expect Richard to be so angry this

me and see!” Paul still didn’t

mid-air, and suddenly five or six people appeared, directly grabbing Paul

remember to record it.” Percival added leisurely. “I need to send it to

the alley and given a thorough beating, and Thomas, following Percival’s instructions, recorded the

You’re doing this for a low-life…” Paul

he began to Insult Vivienne, Thomas, who was filming, reminded him. “This video is to be sent to the old master. If you continue to insult Ms. Hawthorn, I’m afraid

cursing at Percival and Thomas, and



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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