Chapter 158

Tristan remained frozen in his stroke-like stance with his mouth hanging open and drooling, looking like a complete fool, until the school security had to drag him away.

With her backing gone, Arabella didn’t dare cause any more trouble. Despite now being the heiress of the Brooks family, her past deeds in Havenwood were too vile and fresh in everyone’s memory for anyone to want to associate with her.

The only ones hovering around her were those hoping to climb up the social ladder through her connection with the Brooks family.

So she had no choice but to feign peace. “Coral, I may have misunderstood what happened earlier. I ran upstairs too quickly.”

“Shut up!” Coral stepped forward and slapped her. “Stop pretending. You set me up on purpose! If not, why were you just crying while your mentally ill brother was hitting me and not stopping him?”

“You… you hit me!” Arabella had been enjoying a privileged life in Rivenwood for the past month, being pampered nonstop by the Brooks family. She was used to being treated like a queen and couldn’t bear any insults or mistreatment.

“Yeah, I hit you! You can frame me, so why can’t I hit you?!” Coral had always had a short fuse. Each time she thought about how Arabella used her in the past, she could feel her blood boil.

“You didn’t fall over earlier or later, but precisely when you were passing by me! With all your crying and shouting, who would believe you weren’t intentionally framing me?!”

Having said that, Coral turned around and walked away. However, halfway out, she started to worry. Ever since the Lockwood family was disciplined by Percival, she was no longer the reckless child who only caused trouble for her family.

She was now afraid of possible revenge from the Brooks family, given that she had offended Arabella and hit Tristan.

So, after much thought, she decided to seek advice from Vivienne.

When Coral arrived, Vivienne was planning the upcoming exam schedule for Class Eighteen. Percival, having nothing else to do, was feeding her snacks. Vivienne accepted whatever Percival offered her.

buried in the documents while chewing and puffing her cheeks like a little squirrel made Percival swallow a lump in

Vivienne.” Coral called

swallowed the nuts in her mouth and turned to Coral. She was puzzled as to why Percival was suddenly feeding her so many nuts. Her cheeks were even starting to

i transfer to Class Eighteen?”

tadalvege looked down upon Class Eighteen and didn’t

then transfer Vivienne


to process the paperwork right

ter mouth She glanced at him and saw him sitting there, watching her with a smile on his face, bong as if he were appreciating a masterpiece. She was

sat on a leather couch, watching her eldest son, Scott, answer a prom call. After a few murmurs, he hung up. She finally asked,

would recognize Judith as the elderly woman

indeed my daughter.”

on the coffee table.

confusion, “Didn’t we do a pareminy test when we first brought her back? Why do it

believe that Arabella is Scott’s daughter?” Melissa Brooks, Judins daughter, chimed in. She then shook her head. “I

‘Aunt Beatrice” was none

her chair, her old and clouded eyes narrowing, exuding an aura of solemnity. She remained silent. Scott

at her. “Mom, Uncle Scott and Grandma probably couldn’t accept

in the room fell silent once

multiple attempts to frame her foster sister in Havenwood, her accusations of rape

seemed as though the news was deliberately kept from the Brooks until the last minute by

been in Havenwood jail twice.” Ashley

Chapter 158

someone with her botched medical skills, and then again for trying to cover up her false claim of being assaulted by her foster father. She went as far as

dark expressions on the Brooks’ faces, she continued. “Her foster father was too soft. He didn’t press charges for slander, or

intervened, noticing the grim faces of Judith and

others won’t? Do you have any idea how much I was embarrassed at school today because of Arabella?” Ashley responded, her

in frustration.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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