Chapter 159

Ashley zipped her lips this time, her objective having been accomplished. With each word she had uttered, the countenance of the Brooks family members had darkened bit by bit.

They had already considered the possibility that Arabella was after their fortune.

“When we sent out invitations announcing the wedding of Scott, the news of his wife, Karen’s departure a day before the wedding. left us flabbergasted.” Timothy complained bitterly. “Our family became the laughing stock of all Rivenwood. It seems like mother like daughter.”

“Dad.” Timothy’s son Ronald interjected, eyeing Scott’s expression and halting his father from further comments.

Scott, with his hand supporting his temple, seemed to be lost in memories.

When Karen disappeared just before their wedding, all the Brooks were convinced she had betrayed him. However, he had always felt that wasn’t the case.

He knew that when he rescued the severely injured Karen, her background was more impressive than he could have ever guessed. Even the Brooks‘ resources couldn’t unearth her past.

Being the eldest son of the Brooks family, he was well–versed in the ways of the world. He knew not to involve himself with dangerous individuals.

Yet he fell in love with Karen. Despite her reluctance to discuss her past and the secrets she kept from him, he proposed to her.

And she left him without a word.


They loved each other so much. She was even pregnant with his child.

Over the years, he never gave up searching for Karen. When the news of Arabella’s existence reached him, he found out that Karen had been dead for many years.

That day, he felt his heart shatter. Amid his grief, he was grateful that Karen left him their child.

He swore to treat their daughter well, to give her the best of everything, and to make her a princess to compensate for the nineteen years they lost.

he felt distant, even when she obediently called

Something felt off.

there was hardly any resemblance between her, Karen, and him, except for her eyes,

about Arabella’s scandals in Havenwood, he realized that she

committed by a high school girl could be his and Karen’s

and kind woman. It was impossible for her

another round of paternity tests,

disappointed him. Arabella was indeed his

in, halting their argument. “Since we’ve confirmed she’s a Brooks, we can’t let the rumors continue. Let’s find a way

high school was already abuzz with the news,

she believed Arabella’s image in the eyes of the Brooks had significantly deteriorated. When Arabella returned from Havenwood, she wouldn’t be treated like a princess


locate Finnian.” Judith suggested with a sigh. “Since he was the one who took the child away,

that Arabella was a Brooks. Given Finnian’s character, he wouldn’t raise Karen’s daughter in such a manner. Even if he didn’t raise her, he

would find Finnian to discover the truth about Karen’s death. If she was murdered, he

Arabella, let her stay in Havenwood for now,” Judith decided. “She wanted to return there for her college entrance exam. By the time she’s done, the scandal here will have died

keep a close eye on her. We can’t afford more

“Grandma, are you sure Tristan will keep an

but her eyes showed her

looking down on them, the pampered children

around like a puppy, claiming he owed her a debt and was willing

trouble several times while

well aware of Tristan’s excessive compliance with Arabella. After considering Ashley’s comment, she turned to Scott, saying, “Maybe we should send someone to keep an

care of it.” Scott said, massaging his forehead in obvious

let your father hear about this.” Judith sternly instructed. “He’s been having some heart troubles, and the last thing he

his integrity, valued the Brooks family’s reputation above all else. Arabella’s antics were enough

it was likely he would need


even Ashley nodded in agreement, though she doubted they could keep

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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