Chapter 191

Leopold wanted to run, but Jerry had him by the collar, leaving him no chance to escape.

Jerry squinted his eyes, radiating a dangerous aura. “You had the guts to help that womanizer steal away our Mystic Mistress, huh?”

“I swear, I didn’t know!” Leopold pleaded. He was basically on the verge of tears. “I swear, I had no idea that Vivienne was the Mystic Mistress!”

When the Mystic Mistress was on the mountain, she never revealed her real name. He only knew her as the Mystic Mistress.

Moreover, when he first met the Mystic Mistress, she was only nine years old.

Unlike his disciples, he only stayed on the mountain for two years before leaving, so he had no idea what the Mystic Mistress looked like when she grew up.

“Stand straight!” Jerry commanded coldly, and Leopold promptly stood upright

“Tell me, how far have things gone between the Mystic Mistress and that womanizer?” Jerry asked, his face stern.

Leopold, hearing Jerry refer to Mr. Ellington as a womanizer, felt like crying.


Mr. Ellington was his dear friend.

his recent vow to castrate Mr.

hesitated for a long moment. Under the intimidating gazes of his disciples, he reluctantly confessed. They’re living together”

Eight men roared in unison,

disbelief. “Our aloof and unapproachable Mystic Mistress would never agree to live with a

The Mystic Mistress is only nineteen! How could a man almost

womanizer is that old?!” Gary exclaimed,

old? He was thirty and didn’t think he

defend older bachelors, Jerry turned and gave him a smack on the head. “Useless! The Mystic Mistress was in Havenwood, and you had no idea she was living with that

and be deceived by that

womanizer must have sweet–talked the Mystic Mistress!”

his teeth. “The Mystic Mistress is soft–hearted. That scoundrel must have

glaring at Leopold. “How did that womanizer deceive

Mr. Ellington didn’t deceive her? Maybe the Mystic Mistress was worried about him when he got stung by a bee, and she decided to move in with him.”

would never take the initiative. It must have been that womanizer using some unspeakable means.”

‘Mr. Ellington‘?” Dawson squinted

quickly shook his head. “Absolutely not! My relationship with Percival is terrible. He’s always bossing me around. I’ve been waiting for you guys to have my

Gary slung an arm around Leopold’s neck, squeezing so tightly that Leopold thought

as gold!” Leopold quickly assured.

had a sinister smile

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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