Chapter 192

Vivienne ran her fingers through Isolde’s soft hair and asked her, “Isolde, do you blame me for not choosing to save you first?”

Isolde shook her head earnestly and said, “Vivienne, I don’t blame you. I know whatever decision you make is the right one. Plus, the thought of sacrificing more than forty lives just to save me is too cruel and terrifying. If I were in your shoes, I would’ve made the same choice.”

Vivienne’s eyes became moist. She felt comforted by Isolde’s understanding, but also a bit bitter. Isolde had experienced too much at such a young age and had learned about sacrifice and duty too early.

“Vivienne.” Cecilia said in a comforting tone, At first, I was a bit resentful when I heard about what happened. But then I realized that if it wasn’t for you, Isolde would have been gone long ago because of the poison”

“Besides, I don’t think I could have chosen Isolde over more than forty lives of high school students ready to take their college entrance tests

She patted Vivienne’s shoulder and added, “I believe Percival feels the same way. We won’t hold this against you.”

“Thank you? Vivienne nodded, feeling even more touched. Actually, she was the one who brought about this disaster. The students from Class Eighteen and Isolde’s family could all blame her, and she wouldn’t have anything to say in her defense.

But they didn’t. They chose to stand with her.

After giving Isolde some calming medicine, she gave Isolde a slice of cake that Percival had prepared.

“Wow, cake!” Isolde’s eyes sparkled as she excitedly reached for it.

“Too much will give you cavities.” Cecilia warned and stopped her.

Isolde pouted at Cecilia, looking at her with an expression of distress as if she had just been very cruel.

“Let her eat a little to fill her stomach. Vivienne said with a smile, helping Isolde open the cake box. “She needs to take her medicine later, and it’s not good to take it on an empty stomach.”

Cecilia reluctantly

lips immediately curled up into a smile, and she silently made a

left Isolde’s room. She was still worried about

that Isolde might have trouble sleeping after today’s scare, Cecilia insisted

saw Isolde complaining about Cecilia but clinging tightly to her waist.

servants in the villa had already gone to

downstairs to the living room, she

as if they were about to face

the coffee table in front of Percival. The ceiling light cast a soft glow on his face, highlighting his striking

the stairs for a moment, admiring the view. Percival was indeed a handsome man; even his posture while drinking coffee was pleasing

really a need to sit so upright just for coffee? It was


a coffee party with ghosts?” Vivienne asked, raising an eyebrow at the ten empty

to respond.

waiting for Leopold and her eight disciples to come knocking, so he had

waiting for so long,

were coming to see me? Percival asked casually.


She knew her disciples too well. They wouldn’t just let Percival off the hook that easily let ajone not even

Jerry about Matthew’s condition Even though Matthew had taken her life–saving pit in advance and was not entically inprest she still needed to make sure he was

them” Although Vivienne found it strange, she didn’t want to think too much about it. I have a frend a live hospital i need to go there firs 10 go with you We can head back to Bay Estates afterwards Peronet stood up, ready to ask Thomas to prepare the car Just then Thomas phone rang

Some broke into Bay

Percival were both

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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