Chapter 27 I Have Children

“That’s right. Ever since Mr. Frank told us you’d join us, we’ve been looking forward to it. At long last!”

“Ms. York, I’m your fan. Please remember me!”

“Ms. York, I’m from the same school as you, but I’m your junior. Remember me too! I’m Six!”

“Go away, Six. Ms. York, notice me! I’m Three.”

There were more than ten of them, and they were all talented IT people with their own unique skills. Arissa could not tell who was who in such a short time, so she merely smiled adoringly at her colleagues.

Ethen explained, “They like to use code names to address one another. It’s according to the order of which they joined the team.”

After hearing his explanation, Arissa nodded understandingly and introduced herself, “Hello, everyone. I’m Arissa York.”

“Welcome, welcome!”

Everyone was very friendly. “Haha! Our department has a beauty now. Ms. York’s beauty is for sure able to make the others pale in comparison. The other departments will be green with envy!”

York, do you

you can consider


their antics and was amused by them. “Sorry, but I already have children!”

eyes widened in


York, you’re so young.

said, “I gave

He did not expect her to have children as her resume stated that she was single. Could it be that she

thought, Ethen secretly felt sorry for her. I wonder which jerk

you, getting all riled up. Get back to work. Don’t scare her away!”

to a meal later!” they all said

to attend to, and I need to

and it would not be appropriate for her to let them


did not have any objections. The atmosphere was lively. They slowly dispersed after greeting her and

was initially worried that the environment there would be solemn. Unexpectedly, she was wrong. It

go over the procedures, right? I’ll do it now and officially start

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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