Logan froze up. He was brash, but he wasn’t stupid. If he did anything to Matilda, his dad would kill him.


After he shut up, Sophia said, “Let him go. I don’t want any trouble.”

Logan gasped. “But I’m doing this for you. Man, you’re ungrateful. Everyone knows my temper. If anyone tries to hurt my friend, they can get out of the city.”

Sophia didn’t deny that, for him protecting Ian was evidence enough. He even went to Morgan Residence to help Ian. Chuckling, Sophia said, “Logan, I would have walloped him back then if I wanted to. Are cards all you can think of? At least look before you leap.”

Logan snorted. Before he could say anything, Husky bellowed, “Please, Sophia! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again! Save me! I can’t take it anymore!”

Sophia frowned. “Aren’t you annoyed? Let him go. My eardrums are popping.”

Logan clicked his tongue, obviously objecting to her decision. Even so, he said nothing and hung up. Sophia put her phone down and chuckled. Logan can be adorable sometimes.

After Sophia washed her face again and was about to sleep, Ian texted her, telling her to lock the doors and windows. Subsequently, Sophia told him she had done that.


only keeping them open during daytime for air circulation. It never crossed her mind that

Matilda did to her the next day. Contrary to the Constances, she never planned on sabotaging them with this. ‘Don’t cross that bridge till you come to it’ was her

woke up early the next morning and skimmed through her driving lesson text. Then she watered her flowers and


only needed to improve the airflow, and it would

annoyed when she returned. “What are

eyes. “I don’t think Matilda’s going to pull the same

a burglar breaks in



open the door, then they went inside. On the way to the living

He glared at her. “He’s working in

You gave him a

let him off the hook this easily, he’d be up to the same trick next time. You gotta drill it into his

she shifted the topic, asking, “Did someone report your club?” She heard Lysa mentioning that on her visit to Jefferson



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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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