Logan looked offended. “That was just some nonsense a drunk guy made up. I’m an honest businessman.”


Sophia arched her eyebrow. “How did you settle it? I heard you get police raids frequently.”

Somehow, that irked him even more. “Man, those police are idiots. They buy into every report they hear. I’m a law-abiding citizen, but they keep doing this. For what? Nothing.”

And that woman must have beef with me. She’s in every surprise check. He could still remember that policewoman’s disgusted face. She obviously has no boyfriend. Wait, she’s a guy herself.

Sophia sat down on the sofa. “I’ll be having my driving exam two days later, so I’ll be out for the whole morning.”

“Driving exam? I can go with you. I have nothing to do anyway. And you can’t go alone, since you’re a celebrity now. I can be your bodyguard.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

Sophia stared at him for a while before asking curiously, “Don’t you have any other hobbies? I get the feeling you’re pestering me.”

Logan was taken aback, then he bellowed but said nothing—not that he could talk about this easily anyway since he knew that he was infamous himself.


Nobody would be friends with him. Even though John was a good acquaintance who invited him to his wedding, he knew John wouldn’t really be friends with him. Even if he did, his family wouldn’t allow him to. Thus, technically speaking, he had zero friends.

Ian and Sophia were precious to him. He couldn’t fool around with Ian since he

a while longer, then she gave up on him answering. “Right. I’ll be cooking now.” She


for a free meal.

went to the kitchen, Logan followed behind. “There’s

gave one to Logan, for there were many aprons around. Taking the apron from her, he wore it and

Sophia grunted. “And?”



driving alone,” he continued. “She stopped in front of a

though. Sophia didn’t say

her crying. She

at him. “Tears? Are you sure you weren’t seeing things?” Why was she crying? Oh, because she failed to sabotage

I don’t think so. Maybe John went



I know his mom better than you do. The Constances are usually soft-spoken, so persuasion is their forte, not reprimands. His mother isn’t someone who’d listen to reason, so she

confused. “But she looked really sad when I saw her today.” Matilda must have driven to the park all by herself


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