Chapter 324

lan quickly clapped Quincy on the back to ease her breathing. “Come on, Mom. He’s just having a lapse in judgment-he’ll come around.”

However, even if Greg were to break up with that woman right now, Quincy still felt sick to the stomach,

She was too prideful for something like this to happen to her.

But it had already happened, and there was nothing that she could do about it.

Taking deep breaths to calm herself as much as possible, she snapped, “Tell us! Who is that woman?!”

She was certainly eager to see whom she had lost to so utterly.


little meek just then, his phone started

both Quincy and lan stared at him, Greg felt annoyed-it was as if he had committed a cardinal

it that big of a deal, when a man of my worth has a woman on the


Quincy was left at a loss for words, lan was furious with

no one tending to her. “Don’t worry,

she held on tightly to his hand. “You have to do your best with Light Group. That way, I would have one over your dad and don’t have to be

know,” lan said, trying his best to

staircase to answer his phone after

important?” He growled, feeling very annoyed

and you definitely wouldn’t

he was hearing things. “You’re

barked, “Stop! Don’t get an abortion-no matter how young you are, an abortion will hurt you. Don’t go

“Okay,” Kathy murmured.

hanging up, Greg promptly dashed past Quincy’s ward without

her heart was left in pieces. “lan, find out who that woman is. I want to know

“I’ll get somebody too-”

Quincy snapped,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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