The Runaway Groom

Chapter 325 

Chapter 325

lan was weary in spirit. Light Group was a mess, and now his family was too.

He felt as humiliated as he was helpless.

Nonetheless, he drove Quincy to Greg and Kathy’s love nest.

Quincy was repressing her rage to stop herself from flipping out again, but she was failing. Greg’s mistress had to be Kathy, and he even arranged for her to stay in a luxury apartment!

Meanwhile, Greg took Kathy to the hospital for an ultrasound, which only proved that Kathy was pregnant. Greg was certainly pleased–although he already had lan, he thought a single child was not enough and he wanted a daughter.

However, Quincy protested, stating that she would lose her perfect figure with multiple pregnancies, insisting that one son was enough.

Since he was already quite old, he was certainly overjoyed that Kathy had his child. Who else at his age would have an expecting partner?

In fact, he felt young once again to have a child, as he rediscovered passion from Kathy. His life before suddenly seemed to be stale, and he was earnestly happy to be with Kathy in contrast to Quincy’s stern

control over him.

was vibrant and was dependent on him, allowing him to reclaim his masculine dignity.

apartment, his arm around her waist, only to find

and slapped Kathy with murderous intent, but she stayed

needed to make Greg sick of Kathy, so that

Greg, and that’s a fact. Divorcing at our age would only make us everyone’s laughing stock… but does it really have to be her? Getting second hand goods only demeans

Kathy, and quickly shot back, “What are you doing here? Can’t you just stay at home?! Also, Kathy has done nothing to you, so stop insulting her… and second

like a startled kitten. “Greg, I’m scared…”


response almost killed her!

Are you really chaste?” she demanded,

situation: Greg was clearly

calmed down, she might have noticed Kathy was actually being smart unlike before. However, with her anger

knows if I’m chaste, Kathy purred from Greg’s arms, appearing delicate and

also leveling Quincy

Kathy lost her chastity, and Kathy is now feeling cathartic of getting her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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