Chapter 332

Ian was still a little confused as to why there were so many cops, with each of them armed with rifles and tactical shields.

The instant they rushed inside the office, they promptly moved to surround him and Quincy!


On the other hand, Quincy pulled him up, keeping him behind her as if afraid that he would get hurt.

"I'm now the person in charge, so all the blame is on me,” she told him quietly. "Remember-don't fight Isaac Jefferson directly."


'They're here for me, but I regret nothing."

Quincy looked at her son longingly. Though she was reluctant to part with him, she had made her choice and could no longer turn back.

walked up

he walked up and cuffed her. "We are arresting you

eyes widened in disbelief, but he seemed

was being taken away, she took

that she had no

own doom with flair, there was no question that someone must take the fall after what happened to Light Group, and she did it to save her son. Moreover, things would be no better even if she refrained

path of a quick death, especially since she got

of Quincy's arrest took the city by storm-terms like homicide and crimes of passion showing up

its entirety as well. In fact, some netizens sympathized with Quincy, saying that Kathy was a

Irene was at Melville Hospital, assisting Stephen Carr with a

the surgery was over, she headed to a quiet place to call

be in his study

on the giant flatscreen TV on the wall, none of them surprised by any of it-as if they knew


started to vibrate over his

asked from the other end, "I just helped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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