Chapter 333

Isaac grinned even as he stared at his own phone.

Stan turned around just then and saw that, and asked in a nosy tone, "Was it something amusing, sir?“

Isaac's expression turned serious instantly. "Interested?"

Spooked right then, Stan pursed his lips. "Not particularly."

James almost laughed at his fearful reaction, and moved closer to ask him quietly, "Cant you toughen up a little?"

Stan rolled his eyes at him. "What, and talk tough to the boss? Why don't you do it?"

"I won't, but at least I won't be as spineless as you were."

Stan had no comeback, so he rolled his eyes at James again.

Meanwhile, Isaac was watching them. "Now isn't the time to slip up. Keep a close eye on the company."


to light the investment that Light Group

was in an uproar the instant they found out, and promptly convened for another meeting. However, although Henry was supposed to preside over it, he was taken ill from shock upon being told about Greg's

they called the meeting, and so was not in the condition to do

anyone taking the chair-not even Ian, who was silent amid

invest in Eastdawn?! You know nothing about the field, but you still poured millions into it and sold off two of our most profitable projects as well! The folly... Either way, you're going to

you were a diamond in the rough, but it turns out that you're just rough! The whole company is now on the brink of collapse-if the investment into Eastdawn ends up

likes of you... We must've been blind. In the end, Isaac Jefferson is the one who can lead-any other Jefferson is just

was quiet all this while, shot the last shareholder a furious glare,

him at all, and promptly shot back, ’ What are you looking at? Did I say anything

on the side of this table right then. ' Don't you forget -I was CEO because you all backed me. Even if the

with a loud bang and leaving the board members

was right, since they had all agreed to his mother's recommendation to

were just as culpable for the

He just might be able to turn things around," one of

for a while after. "We toppled him mercilessly. He's not going to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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