Chapter 334

Henry was still the head of his family, and there was no one better to ask Isaac to return.

That was why the entire board pinned their hopes on him-his very appearance at this moment gave them hope!


Though Henry was taken ill from stress by recent events, he rushed here anyway because he heard about the board meeting, and was worried that Ian could not keep the board in line.

Even so, he was still very sick. He was very pale, and he would not be standing if Moneypenny was not helping him.

On the other hand, the board did not care-their money was at stake.

They swarmed Henry right away

'You're the head of the family. You have to give us something to work with after what happened."

Henry did not come unprepared, naturally.

Quincy had given him a call before she was arrested, insisting that she would take responsibility for what happened to Light Group.

He also learned that Ian had signed an agreement with her to that effect. It additionally stated that she had made all company decisions and was hence culpable for all consequences, including the Eastdawn investment.

even though Henry showed the piece of paper in question to everyone, they

would not

don't think this is over with just a scapegoat? The company has

else would you want to take responsibility after what happened? Ian?

of us wanted this, but it happened anyway. All we can do is work together and weather this-if this is about losses, my

the board members could say

Jeffersons were the majority shareholders, which was why they had

them could

of the board members asked just

it?" Henry

Isaac is the right man to lead us. What do

Henry’s gaze darkened.

stayed silent-but it was

was not as if he had never thought about it... but

all bridges when he chose to side with Greg's manner, inadvertently

even less possible for

amounted to over 2 billion, and because Ian held 80% of the shares, his

James keeping a keen eye on legal proceedings, Ian and Quincy's agreement meant nothing, because James and Ian's agreement was signed before Ian signed one

incarcerated and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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