Chapter 340

Irene pretended not to hear Henry calling her name, but Stephen turned around and gave her a look, asking, “Is someone calling you?”

“Is that so?” She turned reluctantly toward Henry, who seemed to have aged a century in a day and appeared far from spirited.

“Go on. You have ten minutes–we’re scrubbing up later,” Stephen told her.

Irene had no choice but to nod then. “I’ll be right back.”

She walked toward Henry, but did not even greet him.

He spoke before she could. “Take me to Isaac,”

He was very direct.

If he wanted to see Isaac, why was he asking

working right now,” Irene said evenly.

fingers clenched over his cane, even as he hid his anger behind his turbid gaze–because he had


and in that case, why would she

know where he

he was too weak to make himself look intimidating. Irene easily freed herself and flatly said, “I’m now Isaac’s wife, so I’m sure that

she turned and left, leaving Henry standing there but

that he could ask for leniency toward lan and naturally did not dare to offend her,

started to lose his footing, but Moneypenny reached him just in time, catching him so that he did

concern as he settled Henry on a

he’s staying?”

searched every house he owned but came up with nothing,” Monepenny

City? Do you think he vanished into thin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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