Chapter 341

As Monepenny turned silent, Henry growled. “Don’t you think it’s a little too late to say that now?”

Breathing a long sigh then, Henry continued, “I’ve underestimated him–I was convinced that he would be kind like his father. Andrew never took offense no matter how Greg messed with him, always holding their brotherhood above all else…”

Moneypenny, however, was aware that Isaac was not as kind as his father was because they grew up differently. Isaac lost his parents as a child and was almost killed by Quincy as well, and definitely would not have survived until now if he kept behaving like a saint.

Even as their conversation continued, they arrived at the city’s chief precinct, and they asked to see Quincy

However, Stan and Isaac were already in the visiting room.

Once he was notified, Stan whispered into Isaac’s ear, “Your grandfather is here.”

“Yeah,” Isaac replied, not actually surprised. He knew that Henry was looking for him, and it was only natural that he would come here.

added, “He’s not allowed

was only allowed two visitors on each occasion–especially for

criminal who committed a major crime and caused considerable

cuffed to the table and her legs to the floor, keeping her in her

and my fate rests in

could do

photo in front of her just

know this person?”

at the photo, and she certainly recognized the photo.

the chauffeur who worked for Isaac’s parents–the same one she had

think you’ve

you? Even now, I remember your mom’s face, because it was so bloated it was like she

knuckles cracked as he clenched his

worried that Isaac would lose his mind and murder Quincy right there and then even though she was already convicted of a felony and was about to face justice. “Sir, don’t fall for her bait. She’s just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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