Chapter 356

Whitney was rolling down the stairs!


She did not want to give birth, and she could use this to frame Irene too.

Chad was going to hate Irene for this too, since he was really looking forward to having the child-even loving it already.


It was a huge price to pay–it hurt like hell, and she was curling up from the pain.

However, making Irene suffer made it worth it for her!

realized what Whitney meant when she said

to give it to Whitney–the latter was ruthless enough to

anyone who can kill

calling for help–Whitney had done it to herself.

who was looking for her, spotted her

left Chad to keep searching while she returned to her department.

Stephen called for her–there was a patient with a rare

with the visit, she noticed Harvey waiting

meds, I see,”

for you,” Harvey said as he walked up to her. “Anyway, I just found out that you were the doctor who operated on my mother. How

said. “You don’t have to go out of your way to thank me.”

must,” Harvey

was at a loss for words.

that was when a nurse came running toward her. “I’m

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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