Chapter 357

Taking Irene’s silence as approval, Harvey followed her to the hospital chief’s office.

Even from a distance, they could hear Chad shouting and breaking various objects.

“Call Irene Spencer here now!” he was yelling madly.

Harvey sneaked a glance at Irene to see no expression on her face at all, leaving him speechless and thinking that she was genuinely ice–cold

It was rare for someone to retain such composure in the face of potential danger, and Harvey’s admiration for her only grew.

The door to the chief’s office was half–closed, and Irene quietly opened it.


“Irene Spencer!”

Chad lunged toward her in a frenzy, but Harvey stood in his way. “Talk if you want, but don’t resort to violence–any man who lays a finger on a woman is no man at all.”

She’s the reason I lost my child! Why shouldn’t I kill her right now?!”

Irene said, leveling Chad a cool look. “You can investigate that for yourself.”

no cameras in the stairway!” Chad snorted. “Is that why you’re telling me to investigate? Because you knew I won’t have evidence? I haven’t

my family,

to do

with Irene at all. In fact, he was the one who tried to use her to threaten Isaac when Whitney fell into the

Whitney,” Chad growled, clenching his fists and looking ready to swing it at any instant. “That’s why you pushed her off the stairs so that she would lose her child, or am I wrong? Do you even know how much I wanted that child?

“She rolled down

glowered at her. “You’re just trying to avoid responsibility- she’d never do that to her own child!”

still don’t understand her at all, do you?” Irene thought then

try to frame her. I’m telling you–you’re dead meat!” Chad snapped, and wheeled on the hospital chief. “She’s a doctor here, and my wife has suffered a miscarriage because of her. You had

and since both were sticking to their own version of what happened, he said, “We will investigate this

Do not give me that,” Chad growled as he planted himself on

you would just end up saying that my wife jumped off the stairs herself. So don’t bother going through

and it is

“Dr. Carr-”

earnest in grooming her as his apprentice, and did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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