Chapter 358

Surprised, Irene asked, “What are you doing here?”

“I was looking for you,” Ricky replied. “But I couldn’t reach you on your phone.”

Irene whipped out her phone, and pressed a button to find that it was out of juice and had turned itself off.

Nonetheless, she said. “That would have to wait I’m busy at the moment.”

However, Ricky was clearly antsy and did not even notice the confrontation right in front of him. “It’s Lulu.


Meanwhile, Harvey and Chad were already at each other’s noses and a fight looked inevitable.

Irene had to ignore Ricky just then and went up to stop Harvey, saying, “He’s not worth it, and we’re in a hospital

Chad, however, became buoyed since he thought that was a sign of Irene cowing.

I’m telling you, Irene Spencer, I’ll have you kicked out of this hospital today,” he gloated, pointing a finger at her face. “You can call me Dahc if I can’t do it.”

“What are you talking about? Ricky rushed up right then pointed a finger at Chad’s face in retaliation. “Do you even know who you’re talking to?”

was left frowning “And who the hell are you?”

my sister Who do you think I am? If you want a fight, you’ve got it,” Ricky snapped, braced with youthful bravado and almost eager to

Harvey snorted. “So?

definitely lose since he was up against two

over,” he said, and turned back to the hospital

squeezed his way between Ricky and Harvey and

but Irene quickly stopped him, quietly

was a place of salvation and healing, not

clasping his hands behind his back and sighing.

the usual patient drama he was so used

authority, and the hospital’s reputation could

go, Dr Spencer, Stephen said “The chief and I will come

lips. “I really didn’t

Stephen told her.

that long, but he more or

they were both understanding, Irene quickly left


of what happened, and Ricky was stunned.

“But that’s defamation!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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