Chapter 2070 Nollace frowned “What if you already know where the money has gone?”

Sunny took a sip of tea and looked at the table for a long while before replying, “Then they can’t stay here anymore. This is the last act of mercy I’ll show lum”. After that, he added, “Oh yeah, help me to keep an eye on the people around Florence suspect that some of them have already betrayed To. Ii’s just that he doesn’t know about

Daisie was standing in front of the door. She did not knock on the door because she overheard their conversation,

Just when she was hesitating, the voice of a waller erupied behind her “Miss, fe you a gues! from this private room is there anything I can help you with?” Daisie jumped up in fright and waved her hand “Nope” She hastily left.

Nollace opened the door. He saw that the waiter was standing outside of the door, staring in the direction where Daisje had disappeared with a confused lace


He looked in that direction, and the tipure that disappeared into the end of the corridor WAS familiar to him

“What’s wrong?” asked Sunny

Just when the waiter was about to say someihing, Nollare interrupted him ‘Someone is here looking for me I’ll go check it ou first.”

did not

Nollace left, Cameron appeared. She poked her head into the

“I thought Daisie was with you? What are you doing

“I just went out to receive a phone call, and by the time! came back, she

into thought

was too nervous, so she ran out of the building

as two powerful armis wrapped around her tightly, she was stunner for a moment, and a sigh rang out above lier. “You’re still so clumsy. What if I

raised her head, and her eyes were filled with tears. “I knew it was you.” Nollare caressed her cheek “So, you came to look

see him However, she couldn’t resist the urge when she finally

calmly and replied, “Do you know what I was thinking when they said you were missing?” He fixed his gaze on her

you’re dead, I want to see your dead

a short while, and then he suddenly chuckled “So you’re here to find out if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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