Chapter 2071 But Daisie did not feel any of these emotions-all she fell was distress

She felt sorry for the burden that Nollace had to bear and the danger and situation that he had to be in

Daisie also wanted to face them with him, but she could not drag him down.

After a long time, Daisie broke away from Nollace’s arms, and her throal was dry “Nollace, 1 should leave now Cameron won’t be able to live an explanattuli to Waylon if he fails to locate



Nollace pecked her forehead, and the hint of tenderness penetrated into her heart

He then let go of her. “Go back then, and don’t run around.” Daisie nodded, opened the door, and walked out of the corridor Nollare leaned against the wall, raised his head, and took a deep breath, although there was a moment when he just did not want to let her ro

Dalsie sorled lier emotions out and returned to the privale room

Cameron was already sitting in the room, rating snacks comfortably “You’re back so soon?”

if she knew who Daisie

her gaze, “Sorry. I should’ve informed you

Yuzu Villa is our own people You can go anywhere you want, and if you get lost, we’ll

fondness, but isn’t your reunion a little too short? thought you were going to stay in a hotel tonight.” Upon understanding the implicit side of her sentence, Daisle’s cheeks warmed up,

scoochied over and sal right next to

Brother Cameron, fildybe cal

position a little and waved

say “Camel scooched a little closer to her again. “Come on, it’s just to make our relationship a

had to lake advantage

approached her and waited

staring at each other for a long time, Daiste Tolke something and looked at her “I do wonder from time to Time


it look, and Cameron’s smile

immediately “You would actually doubt my gender,

but this is what I inherited from my mother.

narrowed her eyes and looked a little doubtful. “But there are still differences between a man’s and a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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