Chapter 519
“She was only 14 when she arrived in Stoslo. She couldn’t speak their language and had to live in the slums with her family, not knowing when the next meal would come.
“At that time, people in the slums were not treated as human beings at all by the people of the upper class. They had no human rights and had to be obedient brutes.
“In order to make a living, some of the people in the slums would send their daughters to become servants of the rich and powerful.
“The girl was one of them, and her parents sold her to an old, wealthy merchant who had no children in exchange for money.
“She didn’t have a good life either after her parents sold her to the old wealthy merchant. He would beat her up from time to time, and she did not get enough food to eat or sleep. She was barely living a human life.

“Later, she decided to change her life. She worked hard at learning their language and tried her best to please the old wealthy merchant. She even took the initiative to keep his guests company.
“Using her youth and beautiful face to her full advantage, she was able to please those guests and bring in a lot of wealth to the old wealthy merchant.
“The old wealthy merchant was delighted, and he took her, an insignificant servant, in as his foster daughter. However, she also turned herself into a person she disliked.
“The silver lining was that luck was on her side. When the old wealthy merchant died of illness a few years later, the woman rightfully inherited all his property and turned herself into a socialite of the upper class.
“The woman was 25 years old when she met her dream man. He was a doctor who had returned from studying abroad.
“He was an ambitious, motivated, and aspirant young man. Unfortunately, he failed the postgraduate entrance examination, and in frustration, he met the woman. He was different from those men who tried to win her favor through flattery, and he quickly gained the woman’s heart.
“The woman admired him very much, and she decided to support his career. The two of them supported each other for three years, and then they got married.
“The woman was bent on helping his career. He wanted to develop a medicine that could inhibit cancer and even disease. They started with experiments on patients with terminal cancer, but none of them succeeded.
“For the sake of the man’s career, the woman even brought her parents, who had ruthlessly sold her to the old wealthy merchant, and used them for this dangerous experiment.
“In the end, neither of her parents got sick that year. Even her father had shown signs of recovery from his cancer, and they thought they had succeeded until the nobles and the royal family found out what they were doing.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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