Chapter 520
Daniel raised his head and looked at Maisie. “I think you don’t need me to tell you who the eldest princess and the hoodlum are, right?
Maisie chuckled silently and replied, “So? So? The woman you’re talking about is the woman who lounded the Kents, and she’s your
There was no emotion in Daniel’s eyes. He looked straight at Maisie as if he was looking at a corpse and continued. “That old wealthy merchant is not related to us by blood. Thanks to my grandmother, she has continued his bloodline”
“It was your grandfather who infected the eldest princess with the virus and caused the outbreak, wasn’t it?”

Daniel leaned back slightly in his chair. He looked at her with a cold smirk lugging on his lips and said,” Usually it is better to destroy what you can’t get. In the end, it’s all because of my grandfather that the prince has the power and status he has today.”
His grandfather had drawn Prince Roger, the illegitimate son who was not valued by the royal family, to his side. As long as he could bring the eldest princess and her forces down while getting the support from those people and making Roger the king,
Unfortunately, their plans would always be foiled by Patrick and the eldest princess. Seeing that the eldest princess was becoming increasingly respected by the people and valued by the king, they had come up with another plan.
They would spread the virus amongst the people in Stoslo. As long as the eldest princess’s hands were tied and couldn’t solve the outbreak, she would soon lose the support of the people and fall from grace.
Shrugging, Daniel continued. “After all, the eldest princess was the faith of the people at that time. However, if even their faith couldn’t save them, do you think they would still believe in the eldest princess?”
Maisie looked at Daniel deeply. Suddenly, she thought of something and asked faintly, “How about the outbreak that happened 30 years ago?”
Daniel stared at her, and his eyes turned glassy for a moment. “The outbreak from 30 years ago?” He paused for a moment before chuckling and saying, “It was just an accident.”
The way he answered her question with a nonchalant attitude and his light-hearted laugh sent a chill down Maisie’s spine. “An accident? You intentionally threw the virus into the water tank of the hotel, and you call it an accident?”
Daniel slowly got up to his feet and unbuttoned the button on his suit with one hand. He walked to one side and said, “No matter if you believe me or not, it was indeed an accident. I was just an ignorant and immature kid at that time. I threw the chemical I stole from my father into the water tank.
“Honestly, I was very annoyed that my father kept working on that stuff, and because of that, he didn’t even care about me and my mother.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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