Winston was silent as he drove, not uttering a word.

The air inside the car grew increasingly chilly.

“Why did you trick me into getting in the car?” Hannah asked in a relaxed tone.

“I apologize, ma’am.

This car belongs to my boss.

I was here to drop someone off and thought I could make a little extra by driving back,”

Winston explained, denying any foul play.

“I didn’t mean to cause any confusion.

A smile crept onto Hannah’s face upon hearing his words.

She gazed out the window and remarked, “Looks like you’re not planning to kidnap me.

We are indeed heading towards downtown Lightby.

You’re supposed to be keeping an eye on me, right? Aren’t you worried about the consequences of your boss for showing up now? I prefer direct conversations.

Speak the truth, or I might twist your head off.

Do you believe me?”

“Yes, I believe you.

Winston’s response was

you’re not going to pay, I’ll just consider this a free ride

looked at Winston, finding

tried to hit

instinctively tilted his head to avoid it, and their car jerked

car, the person in the backseat unexpectedly clasped his neck

I’m just curious.

sent you? Tell

wasn’t tight,

squinted and continued to

we’ll both be

squeezed his neck harder, demanding, “Tell

already told you…” Winston struggled to speak,


got the

narrowed as she released


face the consequences! Nobody could’ve evaded my move like you just did unless they’ve had

reacted swiftly, unlike

too calm for someone who’s just

believe you’re

her legs on the seat, and began to touch up her makeup

so refined as if she couldn’t possibly be the one who had

gaze in the rearview mirror and peered

see me, it means you’re not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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