Winston’s voice, a bit rough, stopped her.

“It wasn’t your fault.

No need for apologies.

Hannah paused and glanced at the clutter on the floor.

“Then what set you off?”

“It’s about my sister.

” A shadow crossed Winston’s eyes.

“She’s juggling work and studies in Caditown.

My situation puts her in danger too.

I’m always worried about her.

After a moment, Hannah suggested, “If she’s in danger, why not move her somewhere safer?”

Holding his cigarette, Winston stared into the night.

“She wants to stay close to me, so for now, she’s in Caditown under the Compton family’s watch.

He took a breath before adding, “That also means I’m tied to the Compton family.

gave a

your boss, my biological father, uses your family to keep

not my boss’s fault!” Winston’s response was strong as

boss rescued my sister and

never forced me into

chose to do

Hannah looked puzzled.

“That doesn’t make sense.

Compton family’s thumb, and now

wouldn’t get it,” Winston replied

in the Compton

can’t sum it up in

not nosy about

But this intrigues me.

you mind

Hannah, Winston shared,

boss takes in many orphans at the

“I’ve heard Keith

after years of training before they

hierarchy, with 7 branches,

an eyebrow, Hannah

heard of someone using

sins to classify

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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