Winston’s hand shot out, lightning-fast, clamping onto the Leader’s collar.

“Would you like to join the fishes?” he chuckled, a dark glint in his eyes.

Hannah walked up to the door and peered outside.

Her brow furrowed at the sight before her.

A group of thugs in dark suits were blocking the path, and at the corridor’s end stood four men, also dressed in black.

Hannah scanned the corridor and eventually fixed her gaze on the man in the middle wearing a suit with a fancy designer label.

He stood there relaxed, tall and imposing, his features striking and alluring.

His eyes seemed to hold a hint of danger.

He asked with a slight smirk, “So, are you going to help us out with our investigation or not?”

“The ship isn’t yours.

You’ve got no right to investigate around,”

Winston retorted coldly, shielding Hannah.

in the mood for a

eyed Winston,

looks like you’re from Cadilind

give you a

or let

your boys to try their luck,” Winston challenged,

sneered, casually rubbed his nose, and gestured

“Get rid of them.

at Winston’s side, watched

shut the door and

“Be careful, Winston!”

her warning or her ability

Hannah rushed ahead.

Winston, she

with remarkable agility, easily evading

actions were fierce and decisive, leaving the attackers helpless

tough opponent, a bunch of thugs tried their hardest to subdue

they couldn’t lay a

Rodrigo watched, intrigued.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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