Winston had already warned her, getting rid of Remington wouldn’t be easy.

“I really hope you won’t turn me down, Miss Moore,” Remington pleaded, his eyes sparkling with hope.

“It’d be great if we could stay in touch after this cruise.

But Hannah was firm in her response.

“Listen, Mr.

Lyons, you know I’m all about business with Wilde.

I’m here to make deals, not chat about anything else.

“Alright then.

” Remington let out a heavy sigh, hiding the ring away, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

“Guess it’s time for me to leave.

Once Remington left, Hannah got up.

“Time for a shower,” she announced.

After her shower, dressed and with her hair dried, Hannah emerged to find Winston still rested in the living room.

“Still here, Winston?

are you

a mix

found out something

Hannah settled down, curious.

“And that is?”

do you think your cousin’s art exhibitions were picked for


Newfort, no real connections, but still

Must’ve caught their eye.

kind-hearted, easy

shook his head, denying the simplicity of the

“It’s not that straightforward.

about using your cousin’s

distribute his paintings in various

they’ve concealed illegal drugs

We’re looking into it.

him in disbelief, “What?


I decided to tail Wilde’s men,

them discussing the art

the paintings next time they unload

fists, a

my cousin even know what’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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