The bodyguards, itching to intervene, found themselves halted by Winston’s firm stance, thwarted from encroaching upon Hannah’s space “Outrageous!”

The old man’s fist slammed the table, fury igniting his aged features.

He leveled an accusatory finger at Hannah, eyes aflame as he turned to Wallace.

“Haven’t you taught her any etiquette?”

Wallace remained seated on the distant sofa; muted.

Since Hannah’s arrival, he’d scarcely spared her a glance.

Instead, he opted to whisk out a cigar and wordlessly lit it.

Seated on the plush sofa, Hannah reclined leisurely, her gaze narrowed as she faced the accuser.

“I was raised in Cadilind.

Foreign etiquette isn’t familiar to me.

The old man scoffed, his ire mounting.

“Don’t you understand respect for your elders?”

Hannah’s smile was laced with defiance.

“Who are you to me? Your name’s Compton, mine’s Moore.

We hardly share a connection.

left the old man breathless, his chest

to Amelie, Joselyn couldn’t

and now my

persist in

with feigned

mess? What mess? I’ve been busy negotiating

trouble could I possibly

act!” Joselyn

“Jeffry’s base was obliterated.

had a hand in it, didn’t you? Do you know how much trouble it will bring to the Compton family? Multiple factions in Caditown are demanding answers from my father and

They want your head!”

Amelie assumed


What’s done is done.

fingers won’t solve the

actions have

undue strain on the

Compton elders grew restless

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the root of this turmoil! Hand her over, and we absolve ourselves from this strife! Besides, the

acknowledge her as kin! Her

A truly oblivious woman!”

Chadwick family observed in silence, their eyes trained on

contemplated surrendering

incite fear; instead, a subtle smirk

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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