Winston’s expression turned to disbelief as he furrowed his brow, scanning the list of guests until he came across Bryson’s name.

“What’s the reason behind inviting Mr.


Hannah turned to Maloney, who was smiling.

Narrowing her gaze, she interrogated, “Do you know the inside story of this matter?”

With an outstretched hand, Maloney requested, “Hand me my phone, please.

‘s BunnyBookery

Once Hannah handed him the phone, Maloney swiftly browsed, located a news article, and passed the phone back to Hannah.

It was a local news article titled: Mitchell Family Team up with Lyons Group and Accept a five-billion-dollar Investment.

As Hannah read the news, a sneer formed on her face.

Those people reverted to their reckless ways once Bryson left the country.

“While it’s normal for the Lyons Group to collaborate with business partners, choosing Mr.

Mitchell out of many competent ones seems odd.

fixed his gaze on

you suspect there’s a conspiracy behind

thoughts and returned the

cynically, she locked


to test me


an intimate conversation this

must know

Am I right?”

was momentarily tongue-tied, chuckling

are birds of

Hannah chuckled.

“Thank you, Mr.


that as a


declined, “Thank you for your kindness, Miss Moore,


I’ll see you around.

off, Hannah received news from the

me to return to the base?” She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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