Winston stood by the window, shooting Charlie a cold glance upon hearing his voice.

Keith, who had handed Charlie the water, grinned while crossing his arms.

“We care about you.


When we heard you were injured, we had no choice but to come over to see you,” Trent added with a creepy smile.

Charlie clung to the headboard, his senses on high alert.

“Where’s Hannah?” he demanded, scanning the room eagerly.

Before anyone else could respond, the door lock beeped twice and swung open.

Hannah and Bryson entered with bags of food.

“Hey, you’re up,” Hannah remarked, catching sight of Charlie.

She set the bags down on the coffee table.

“We’ve been running around all night.

You should eat something first.

You must be famished.

other men in the room

caught sight of Bryson, and he narrowed his eyes at his

remembered Bryson’s imposing presence and

seemed oblivious

should grab something to eat too,” he

pass,” Hannah replied, passing a

“You go ahead.

I’ll check on him.

out a bag of

“Eat up.

caught the bag,

you bring

No need to

hunger, Charlie tore into the food without a

he wanted to do

joined Bryson, she brought up something that


because you’ve botched

always this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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