The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 49


“Please,” Anya begs. “There’s this huge party tonight at the beach, and everyone will be there. I want us to go together. People need to see us out more often; I want pictures of us posted everywhere.”

I run a hand through my hair. I didn’t want to go anywhere. I still had this sick feeling in my stomach that something was terribly wrong. I kept trying to dig answers out from the people around me, but everyone got quiet whenever the topic changed to the day of the accident.

Surprisingly, Anya was the most hostile whenever I tried to bring it up.

Their reactions only fueled my determination to find out the truth. Who could I trust to finally tell me every single detail of that day? It didn’t make sense to me that my parents would go through so much trouble just to remove some articles about an accident. There had to be much more than that. They were keeping me in the dark, and it was making me furious. Why couldn’t they just tell me? Why did they have to hide it from me? How horrible could this secret be?

“Atticus!” Anya snaps. “Are you hearing anything that I’m saying to you?”

I was; I couldn’t concentrate or respond because of the many things flowing through my mind. Ever since they had mentioned Autumn to me yesterday, I couldn’t get the girl out of my mind. It was absurd that I had more emotion within me from hearing her name than being beside Anya.

Her name didn’t want to leave me. It kept replaying and it was driving me insane.

“When will Autumn return from her vacation with her family?” I asked Anya before I could stop myself.

For some reason, I found myself wanting to see her. I couldn’t explain it, but a part of me was almost desperate to see the girl. It worried me that I was feeling this way with a Anya right next to me. It felt like I was betraying her.

Anya looked like I’d just slapped her in the face for bringing up her best friend in our conversation.

“Why would you ask me that?” She demands.

“She’s your friend. I thought you’d like to have a conversation about her. Is there a problem if I ask about Autumn?” I questioned, waiting for her to explain why she’d gotten so bothered by that question.

I knew Anya got angry at the simplest things but I didn’t think this would be one of them.

“Yes, there is a problem.” She snaps. “You barely ever mention Autumn to me. Why are you suddenly so concerned about her whereabouts? I was in the middle of asking you a question, a couple of questions actually, and you ignored all of them so that you could ask me about her. Is something going on that I should know about Atticus?” She demands. “Is there something that you’re not telling me?”

That’s the same question I wanted to ask her. What the hell was going on, and why was everyone so determined to keep it from me?

“I’m sorry if I offended you, Anya. I won’t ask about her again if that makes you feel better.” I promise her.

It was better to keep Autumn out of my head. I was restless because of her, and I had no clue why. The safest thing would be to stop thinking about her, the only problem was that I wasn’t sure how to do it.

“Back to what I was trying to say before you interrupted me.” She says. “The beach party tonight. Dante and Damon will also be there, but since I want to spend more time with you, they can find something else to do while at the party. We can spend more time together. What do you think?”

I sigh, “whatever makes you happy, Anya. I didn’t want to go, but I’ll do it just because you’re asking me.”

She grins and hugs me, “you’re the absolute best. I’m going to choose my outfit. I can’t wait for everyone to see us together. We’re already the highlight of all the magazines now that we’re back together.”

“Back together?” I ask her, confused. When did we ever end our relationship? Some of the things she said to me after the accident kept confusing me.

She freezes but quickly hides her reaction from me, “you misunderstood. I meant that we are finally back together after your accident. Ever since you woke back up, we have been the talk of the town. We can’t let everyone down and not show up for the party. We have to give the people what they want.”

Give the people what they want.

I wasn’t looking forward to the party. I was only going because of Anya. Hopefully, tonight I will feel better than I do right now.

It felt like I would never be my usual self until I discovered what everyone was desperate to keep from me. But how long would it be before someone snapped and spilled the truth to me?

. . . . . . . .


The second I smash the door open, an alarm goes off throughout the building. I didn’t waste any time, I wasn’t sure where I was heading, but I chose to run to the left of me.

The chase was on. They knew that I had escaped from the room. I’d waited for what I thought was the right time to break the door down. I can only hope that the voice inside me was right.

I saw two men running behind me and increased my speed. No one was in front of me for now, but I knew it was only a matter of time before more men showed up and tried to block my way.

My heart is racing as I kept moving forward in full speed.

Someone eventually appears before me, and I use my power to smash him against the wall. He wasn’t the only one, they kept on coming after him, and I kept hitting each of them against the wall until I was finally able to escape from the building. I hadn’t seen Skyler while trying to escape, which was a good thing. Skyler may be the strongest amongst them since he was the leader. He would have known what to do and how to stop me better than the rest.

the opposite. Either they weren’t here, or someone was messing with my head. Maybe they wanted me to believe that I had escaped so they could keep an eye on me. Anything was possible at this point. I knew Skyler was not some amateur kidnapper; he made it clear that

messing with me made me feel sick to

to see Atticus. I wanted to see for my own eyes that he had betrayed me yet again. After everything, I couldn’t believe

I thought for sure that he would be there for me, that

The problem was that there was no one around. And I couldn’t just stay here and

Why did they accept me from my mother even after knowing my father was Azai Reign? I’ve known them all my life, and they weren’t the kind of people that

no sense to me. Why did they do it? Why did my mother choose them to raise

was tired; my heart was exhausted from

to, no one to ask for help. I was hoping to find at least one person, but I was out of luck. I was the only one who could

and I gasp when I hear a whisper. Where did

“Who’s there?” I demand.

so. I was positive I’d heard someone speak to me. I’m hoping that it wasn’t one of Skyler’s people or

answers, and I keep walking, trying to find the person. I know that I wasn’t delusional. I know they had to be around here somewhere. I just had to keep

couldn’t deny it any longer; the voice was coming from the water. It was showing me the direction, telling me how to escape. How

I’ve been terrified of water my

out of my head. I didn’t have time to think about this. People were searching for me. Since I didn’t have a single clue about my whereabouts, I decided that the best thing was to listen to the whispers. It was

this way. The moment that I do, I’m racing through the

forest, but I eventually spotted buildings. I wasn’t sure if I had recognized them

I recognize. I wasn’t too far from home. I wasn’t sure what day it was, but I was going to

Unfortunately, no one was there. The guards were the only ones present. Where was everyone? It was almost seven in the evening; everyone should have reached back from the academy by now. And

was doing with Anya. I wanted to look him in the eye and show him how much he’d hurt me. Not that it would matter, he knew how much he hurt me in the past, and still, he

some clothes, and was about to walk out when I noticed that our pictures had been removed. And

knew that I had been kidnapped and the first thing they chose to do was remove every picture and memory of me from the house. I thought the Fawns had liked me. I had hoped that they had considered me as their family. Now I realized that they’d had me fooled this entire time. I thought Anya was the one his parents had a problem with, but it turned out that they hadn’t liked me either. Why else would they have removed every memory of me right after I went missing? They hadn’t waited. None of them did. They all assumed I was gone for good and decided to move on with their lives like I hadn’t existed, to begin with. What other surprises were waiting

that I was dead? Were they hoping that I would

Emotional pain. This was devastating. I was

what about Clarissa? I thought that she at

came crashing down, one after the next. Everything was a lie—my entire life. Since the start, everyone has been lying to me. And they haven’t

had to do, but I wanted an explanation. I wanted to know why they would treat me this poorly. What had I done? Had I not been good to each of them? Why did they hate me this much? Everyone close to me kept betraying me, apparently nothing

had to be something here that could tell me where everyone was. I wasn’t going to sit here and wait for them to return home. I wanted to confront them in front of everyone. I wanted everyone to know just how selfish they all were. Even if everyone knew, what would that change? It’s not like they were unaware of what was happening in front

I didn’t have mine; I was sure that Skyler had taken it from

him this time. I was done being sad and depressed over him; this time, I was pissed, and this

all hell would break loose. They

a phone, and when I finally did, I didn’t waste any time searching for the


partying while they all knew that I was missing. That’s just how much I meant to each one of them. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at my pathetic life. No one truly cared about me. My life

been lying this entire time. They were all already moving on with their lives as if they thought I was dead. Is this how everyone


was out of the garage, speeding past the guards. They didn’t try and stop me. Why would they? I was still the daughter-in-law of the

shaking as I drove. I was terrified of seeing Anya and Atticus in person. Seeing them together in pictures and videos was difficult, but I knew it would be excruciating to see it in person. I knew that nothing

that those pictures were all fake; I wanted to believe that

think he disliked me this much. There was no way he cared for me after what he’d done. I expected so much more from him. I would have never been able to smile if the same thing had happened to him. I would be out there searching for him without getting any sleep.

of cars are parked in all directions. I didn’t even bother looking for a park as I jumped out of the vehicle and began searching

find them in such a large crowd, but I wasn’t leaving here

to see at least one of the Fawns. Once I saw one, they would lead me to Atticus. I was sure

mistaken? Had they not come here tonight? Where else could they

as loud. Everything was making it harder for me to search for them, infuriating me more

the hell were

up. I had to have missed something. I knew they were here,

continued to search once more; I wouldn’t leave without searching

was positive that it was him. I would know Atticus anywhere. He was leaning against Dante’s jeep, and Anya was in his arms. I swallow, and

So it was true.

the second he thought I would never return. All along,

happiest she’s looked in a long while. I couldn’t tell whether Atticus was happy or not. The expression on his face was blank. I couldn’t read him while he was with her. But

to say to defend himself when Anya was not around. I wanted a proper explanation. I deserved an

don’t move; I watch them until Anya excuses herself. Maybe she’s going for water; perhaps she was leaving him for an opportunity to kiss one of his other brothers. I wasn’t

until I’d said everything

I stand before him. He didn’t notice me at first, but when his eyes finally fell on

alive? Was he disappointed to see me standing in front

He asks as

about me at all. Why did I expect more from Atticus? I should have known he would have done something like this to me. I should have known that

wanted to laugh

to say

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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