Chapter 327: Chapter 193 – 【Return】and 【True Body Simulation End】(Please subscribe)

The Sea of Guardians, the City of Four Seas.

Once back in the Sea of Guardians, Milton Cheney started to gauge his surroundings unconsciously.

This time, he returned to the Sea of Guardians, leveraging the Book of Truth to transport directly there.

Milton thought he would appear over the familiar Pure White Sea Region, but once back in the Sea of Guardians, he found that everything around him was uncannily unfamiliar.

“This doesn’t seem to be within the Third Rift.”

Milton murmured as he surveyed the surroundings.

“You haven’t returned to the Sea of Guardians in a thousand years, have you?”

Suddenly, a voice echoed in Milton’s ears.

The moment he heard the voice, Milton turned to look at the place where the voice was coming from.

Indeed, a familiar figure stood behind him.


Milton said with a smile appearing on his face.

In the thousand years since he left the Sea of Guardians, although he often communicated with Bane via the Book of Truth, they hadn’t seen each other.

This was their first meeting in a thousand years.

A hint of a smile was also visible on Bane’s face.

“Mentor, where are we?”

Milton voiced the doubt that lingered in his heart.

Bane, of course, understood what Milton was wondering and started to explain:

not the South Guardian

are now merged together. This is the City of Four Seas, located in the First Rift of the

this, Milton nodded

I see.

has become a thing

the merger of the Four Guardian Seas does not have

simulation, and the real him is far away in time from

about the Pure White Sea

Milton asked softly.

from the Sea of Guardians, he was

Pure White Sea Region has not vanished; it’s

have merged, but everything from before still exists, only now it’s split into

Bane explained.

Bane’s spiritual power gushed out from his Spiritual

the Southern Sea Region,


purple light that emerged within Bane’s Book of

moment, both of them disappeared from the

they reappeared, a familiar scene came into

Pure White Sea Region, Milton’s figure suddenly

it was indeed exactly the same as

Southern Sea Region, and the four seas had merged and are situated

years had passed, indeed, some significant changes had occurred in the Sea

structure of the Four Seas in the Sea of Guardians had managed to maintain itself for ten million years, but now, a mere thousand years

without saying a

“How does it feel?”

of Truth

before, no

am asking how your journey to the Soul Realm was, did it

off Milton’s words

of curiosity; he seemed eager to know what

Milton had frequently communicated through the Book of Truth, Milton

Milton had been doing in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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