Chapter 328: Chapter 193 – 【Return】and 【True Body Simulation End】(Please subscribe)_2

Changes in the Task Space?

This thought emerged in Milton Cheney’s mind.

Because he had not returned to the Guardian Sea in a millennium, naturally, Milton Cheney had not entered the Task Space during this period.

So, he was unknowledgeable about the changes in the Task Space that Bane was referring to.

However, if what Bane had said was true.

That tasks could now be freely selected, and there were no mandatory time limits, then this was undoubtedly good news for Milton Cheney.

After all, Milton Cheney wasn’t much interested in the flow of tasks.

He believed that it was more profitable to practice the Meditation Technique through the Meditation Routes at the Wizard Tower than to complete unrewarding tasks.

At least the former could clearly enhance his capabilities, while the latter yielded almost no improvement for Milton Cheney.

After pondering for a while, Milton ceased further thoughts.

Overthinking wouldn’t be as effective as verifying it himself.

The next moment, Milton mobilised his Spiritual Power, a flash of white light and his body disappeared in the pure white sea region.

When Milton reappeared, he was already inside his Wizard Tower.

Even though a millennium had passed, there was not a single change in his Wizard Tower.

What it looked like when he left, was exactly what it looked like now, with no changes at all.

Back in the Wizard Tower, Milton summoned the Book of Truth.

The next moment, the Spiritual Power flowed from his Spiritual Sea and attached itself to the Book of Truth floating before him.

The Book of Truth opened automatically, and in an instant, Milton’s consciousness moved, and it materialized itself in the Task Space.

The moment Milton’s consciousness appeared in the Task Space, it began to examine the Task Space instinctively.

After inspecting it thoroughly, Milton found no difference in the Task Space compared to what it was like over a thousand years ago.

Except for the fact that no light clusters flew straight at him when he entered the Task Space this time, nothing had changed.

When Milton was pondering in his consciousness.

The Task Space changed.

Multiple small light clusters appeared.

However, unlike before, these light clusters calmly hovered in the air with no automatic roaming.

But when Milton’s conscious gaze fell upon the light clusters, snippets of information emerged within his mind.

“What are these?”

digested the new influx

“Tasks for voluntary selection.”

the Task Space of the Guardian Sea in its

said, tasks were no

clusters suspended in mid-air within the Task Space indeed did represent each task from the

regarding these tasks had already surfaced in

freely choose from all the missions from the

he have to accept tasks

no imposed time limits for these tasks

required to

undertaking tasks and dedicate millennia to practicing the Meditation

Milton decided against accepting a task and left

of Truth hovering before him receded back into

cross-legged position at the central hub of


Wizard Tower was beneficial. Besides, he could

spent in the Soul Realm, the progress in

were in no way comparable to practicing for a mere hundred years in the Guardian Sea’s

now that he was back in the Guardian Sea with an excellent environment

far exceeded his expectations, every additional year of existence from now

time, practicing the Meditation Technique

Meditation Technique within the True Body Simulation

charting the Meditation Routes to practice the Meditation

of Meditation

to the merging of the Four Guardian Seas,

Milton realized that the speed at which he traced the Meditation Routes was

was sure

Faster was indeed faster.

of the exact

likely that it’s either due to the merger of the Four

reasons, Milton couldn’t think

passed, and four hundred years

returned to the Guardian

only spent two

ago, he had already left the

of course, one of the wizards who had

Shadow World, Black Island.

no compulsory missions anymore, there wasn’t any

that the cancellation of compulsory missions was just to involve these members without missions

this was even worse than


inwardly, but his face showed no changes

three times in the last two

Milton said lightly.

the rest of the people standing around him just looked at each other,

atmosphere became silent all of a

to the Shadow Realm again

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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