The Wrong Woman

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Nervously, Suzanne halted Nathan’s hand and fumbled with the buttons on her shirt. “I don’t think we should go on.”

Confusion filled Nathan’s expression as he gazed at Suzanne. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she couldn’t meet his eyes. The air was tense with uncertainty.

Suzanne considered it-a regular guy might not be into someone who had dealt with a sexually transmitted infection three times.

She weighed the possibilities: he either loved her intensely or was convinced she was free from any diseases. Considering the slim chance of the former, she leaned toward the latter.

In a gentle tone, Suzanne asked, “Nathan, is there something you’re keeping from me?”

Nathan’s eyes wavered, but he insisted, “No.”

With his capabilities and the careful oversight of his two most trus assistants, Nathan was confident in the accuracy of the DNA resul

Suzanne released a gentle sigh, her mood sinking as she averted her gaze. “I don’t want to continue.”

A chill settled in Nathan’s heart, and his impulsive desires took a back seat. He gingerly distanced himself from her while dealing with his inner struggles and the pain he couldn’t put into words.

the edge of the bed, letting out a deep breath as he grappled with his emotions. He thought about it for


and fixed her clothes. Keeping a

feel his inner turmoil and

when you said you want us to be

wife, we should be honest with

to share

he couldn’t bring himself to utter it. His gaze bore into Suzanne’s, who picked up on

with annoyance, “I don’t want to be around you. I’m heading back to my

Nathan hurriedly caught

himself with pride. There was always a serious vibe around him that made it a bit tough for others to approach.

feared that once he mustered the courage to speak those words, Suzanne

was his honesty, and in return, she was ready to trust him and reveal the

they could work on unraveling the truth. Suzanne waited patiently for quite

I’ll go,” Nathan remarked.

up. She moved behind Nathan and pushed his

want to see you.” Even though she spoke in a gentle tone, a touch of annoyance hung in the air.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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