The Wrong Woman

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Suzanne slammed the door shut and yelled, “Don’t look for me today! I need my space!”

Nathan lingered outside while pursing his lips. Seeing Suzanne upset gave him a strange feeling-part sweetness, part helplessness.

Suzanne leaned on the door while sorting through her thoughts. She loved Nathan but had doubts. She wanted to depend on him, but couldn’t find the words to tell him.

After thinking it over, Suzanne gave in and opened the door, only to find Nathan had already left. She searched around but couldn’t find him. Disheartened, she sighed and went back to her room.

As time passed, Nathan didn’t make any effort to find her. He skipped meals and didn’t return home at night.

Suzanne waited for him in his study, but eventually, she fell asleep, only to wake up and discover Nathan was still nowhere to be found

Late at night, Suzanne pouted in bed while hugging her pillow in frustration. Thoughts of Nathan’s whereabouts occupied her mind but she held back from texting him.

She got annoyed because he followed her wishes so faithfully and didn’t go looking for her.

The following day at noon, the sun beamed down brightly. The mountain road curved and seemed to go on forever, with only a few vehicles on the wide path.

its way to Phoenicia. In the back seat, Nathan appeared aloof and distant, his gaze profound as he stared


of the window.

and Lucas occupied the passenger seat. They were both puzzled about Nathan’s decisions.

matters, he had spent hours traveling back to the military base to complete his duties and was now rushing back

the constant back-and-forth travel left them silently pondering. They figured Nathan must have his reasons

a small hill, Nathan suddenly instructed, “Pull over


responded indifferently.

door, stepped out, and strolled toward the dense wild grass. Cole and Lucas stared

face. “What’s General Morrison

he needs to answer the

“You think the general would do that anywhere?”

awkwardly. “No, then

and got out. Lucas did the same, and they both


He glanced around, bent down,

handkerchief from his pocket to make

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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