The Wrong Woman

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Suzanne had been lost in her book for quite some time when she got a craving for some fruits.

She headed downstairs, and the moment she entered the living room, she caught Sally expressing her complaints to everyone around.

Sally appeared sad like she had been treated unfairly and bullied. “I don’t blame Nate. He must have his reasons.

“She’s been talking behind my back, spreading false rumors about me, and making Nate think poorly of me. That’s why he doesn’t like me anymore!

“She knows how to control men, and Nate must have fallen for it. It’s fine if I get hurt, but I worry Suzanne will hurt Nate. She’s crafty and can manipulate men like it’s a game

“I’m truly afraid Nate might end up getting hurt!”

Florence looked concerned and said, “I don’t think so. Nate isn’t t

easily fooled. How could he be deceived by a woman?”

“Why not? Don’t you think he’s changed?” Sally asked.

Gary pondered for a moment before replying, “Yes, he has changed. He spends more time at home now, not just buried in work.”

and even helps around the house now,”

joined in, “He’s friendlier, not as distant as before.”

changes? I don’t see anything wrong with

looked at everyone in disbelief. She hadn’t anticipated everyone reaching such a positive


as she noticed Suzanne approaching slowly. Sally looked at her with a guilty expression.

calmly faced Sally and remarked, ” Ms. Hoffis, I could have exposed your wrongdoing, but I

and spoke in a soft tone, “Suzanne, I didn’t cause any problems.

There’s no need for your involvement here.” Sensing the tension, Florence swiftly shifted the topic. “We were just having a casual chat.

are you hungry? I can ask the housekeeper to whip up some dessert for you.”

limit of putting up with everything. “Layl don’t want to stir up problems, but some people constantly twist th truth, create conflicts, and wrongly blame others.

and expressed her distress, “I didn’t do that, Suzanne! Why are you accusing

“Are you still faking it? On Grandma’s


by splashing dye on

couldn’t believe what they just heard. They stared at Sally with wide

no! That’s terrible!” Wendy whispered with

tightened her fists as tears rolled down her cheeks. “You’re spreading lies about me.”

far as slapping yourself on purpose, making Nathan think I hit you. That’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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