Chapter 3194 Pick Up A Hint Of Humanity

The patient glanced at the pass in Amur's hand and believed that he was a journalist.

Amur put away the work pass, sat beside the patient, and struck up a conversation. "By the way, do you know where the bodies of those two people are now?"

He wanted to confirm with his own eyes.

Amur still had his guard up. What if Jacob and Harold knew he would be targeted and deliberately faked their deaths?

If they continued to fake their deaths, he could pretend that nothing had happened.

However, if Abel found out they were faking their deaths, he would be in big trouble. Amur had to go and see for himself.

The patient glanced at Amur, looking surprised. "You journalists are really something. You're going to see them even in such circumstances? Aren't you afraid of getting bad luck for being around corpses?"

"There's no choice. It's for work. I don't wanna get bad luck either, but if there's valuable information, I can report it back to my editor. After all, this happened at the police station. The police won't disclose it to the public anytime soon, so it's up to US journalists to speak up," Amur explained to the old man.

"That's true. Every job has its difficulties. But why don't you have a camera with you? Other journalists always have one." The patient could not be fooled easily and raised his own question.

"This matter hasn't been made public yet. If I were to walk into the hospital with a camera, those two bodies might be pushed out before I even see

them. Not everything can be openly observed. Sometimes, a phone is more useful than a camera," explained Amur.

"You're right. Their bodies will probably be taken to the morgue. But I overheard the doctors and nurses saying their illness was suspicious.

Since they were taken from the police station, there might be an autopsy.

"But I’m completely lost with all the twists and turns happening here. I saw them take those two bodies to that examination room. You can try your luck there." The patient pointed in a direction and kindly reminded Amur," But be careful. Those two bodies stink."

"Thank you. I wish you a speedy recovery," Amur, disguised as a journalist, thanked the old man politely.

toward the location indicated

to open each door one by one to avoid complaints from hospital staff and

that the two bodies were

would have people to help clean up, there would definitely be forensic doctors conducting simple autopsies now. They needed to collect the two people's vomit and excrement. The

it smelled bad, he could

continued to search until he stopped in front of one


glanced at the examination room. It

here would the odor not

door, he listened carefully to the sounds inside. He could make out that at

complaining, claiming that they had not dealt with such stinky

recording function. He pretended to be a journalist, but

think Jacob and Harold were capable of faking their deaths, he still had

raised his phone and pushed the door open directly. The stench hit him, and it was several times stronger than

medical staff inside were stunned by

they realize what was

the two sent by the police?" Amur asked while using his height advantage to film

doctors tried to block him, preventing him

doctor pulled him

of them were extremely anxious. It was the first time they encountered such

Amur out.

let them kick him out without

"Don't let him leave! There's still a video recording on his phone! The police said we can't let anyone film this. It

instantly reminded the other two

doctors tried to chase him and even called for security, but no one could catch


patient who had just talked to Amur remained seated, watching Amur get chased by the doctors. He could not help but exclaim, "He runs really fast. Journalists are indeed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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