Chapter 3195 No Hope Of Survival

A hint of mockery flashed across Amur's eyes. On the Island of Despair, picking up a hint of humanity was not exactly a good thing.

However, he had changed so much that there was no going back to how he used to be.

As Amur thought about Gerald, he decided that he would just accept things as they were and stop pondering since he could not go back to his old self.

He did not mind the exhaustion and was ready to drive back to A City.

Even though Luca would not take the initiative to come looking for him, she would definitely worry if he stayed in X City for too long.

Despite his desire for more of Luca's affection, he did not want her to be concerned. Therefore, he hurriedly drove back.

Luca was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her phone. Luke walked out of the bathroom and curiously asked when he saw her in such a state," What's wrong?"

"I'm waiting for news from Amur," replied Luca, suddenly remembering that Amur had already replied to her message. Then, she shook her head. "Well, he might not reply."

Luke felt a bit jealous when he heard Luca mentioning Amur.

Still, he knew Luca had no romantic feelings for Amur. He found it kind of amusing how he was feeling jealous all by himself here and immediately realized it was actually not a big deal.

His wife was outstanding, and it was only natural that other men would admire her. What mattered was him being more exceptional than them, ensuring Luca's attention stayed on him. That way, any men who admired her would not dare make a move.

At the thought of this, Luke climbed up the bed and pulled Luca into his arms. Then, he asked, "Why are you waiting for his news?"

Since Luke already knew about the mission assigned by the Island of Despair, Luca explained without hiding anything.

"Abel assigned him a mission in X City. It's to assist Gerald in dealing with Jacob and Harold, who are being detained there. But it's Gerald who's supposed to carry out the mission, and if he fails, Amur will step in.

"I’ve been told that Gerald has completed the task and escaped successfully, but they still need confirmation. The question now is how that confirmation will turn out."

Luke frowned.

Harold?" Luca

use. I

of Despair, Jacob and Harold did not know

Abel was futile since Abel would

did not finish her sentence. Amur indeed had blood on his hands, but it was

Abel who forced

could those

against their will. Even though they were guilty, the greatest sinner and villain was Abel, not

"Gale and Rain have been on the Island of Despair since they were young, and they've taken no less lives than Amur. But if Gerald managed to escape this

organization, but now that he knows it’s serious business. What

Gerald evading responsibility since he

the experience would change Gerald after he narrowly escaped death and

without professional training. Experiencing something like this could drastically

might become a cold-blooded and

interacted with Luca before. Luke

reason, after learning that Gerald had blood on his hands, his thoughts drifted

But Gerald has no way out," replied Luca. Unless Gerald was on her side, there might still

to be on her side. Therefore, he would continue working for the Island of Despair until he was no longer useful and until his life

successfully developed the antidote, her fate might

the courage to reveal her true identity to Luke, Wanda,


By doing this, he’s giving Gerald a chance, but he's also aiming to transform someone with limited abilities into

do you think such a person can end up with a good ending?"

was lucky because Abel had

weak. Even if he was sent to the Island of Despair, he would end

intended to send Gerald to the Island

might even become more eager for such things in the future, still, in the end, his lack of

could imagine how Gerald would end

away by the excitement of surviving this

all of this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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