Chapter 321 Old Mr. Norman Approves Bianca's Design!

Luke nodded, satisfied. As expected, Bianca did not disappoint him.

He had deliberately included several flaws into the skyscraper's design which could not be spotted by a cursory glance. Someone with advanced design skills could see that it was a flawed design.

Bianca was right. The biggest flaw of the design was that it was too perfect.

By exaggerating all realistic elements in the design, it had become something surreal. Human technology would not be able to realize that design in the next hundred years.

The other flaws that Bianca had pointed out were also very accurate.

Luke clapped his hands and said, "That's right. Ms. Rayne has pointed out the flaws of my design which I have deliberately included. All of you should learn from Bianca. Don't be afraid to point out my flaws, even if I'm the CEO of this company. Understand?"

Bianca was shocked, but a smile soon appeared on her face.

Luke was not only the CEO of T Corporation, but he was also a world-class designer. He could have been conceited, and no one would dare say a word.

Geniuses are usually eccentric. They would not tolerate anyone criticizing them.

However, Luke was not angry when someone pointed out the flaws of his designs. Instead, he smiled and encouraged everyone else to do the same. That showed that he was not conceited and was deserving of everyone's admiration!

"I didn't expect that to come out of you. Don't tell me that the boss has already shown you the design before this?" Bella whispered jealously into Bianca’s ear. "The boss doesn't usually give praise in public, but he did that to you. You must have given the boss a good time in bed, right?"

Bianca ignored the department lead's mockery.

She knew that if she reacted to Bella, Bella would pester her even more.

she ignored Bella, Bella might eventually lose

that she could not get a rise out of Bianca. However, she could not lose her temper in front of the boss. She glared

officially be a designer of the company," Luke

I will do my best," Bianca said confidently. She was

had finally paid

continued, "We have a big collaborative project with Vivi Group coming up soon. You'll be in charge of the project together with Tom Lewis

shocked by that

25% stake in it. They shared a peculiar collaborative and competitive relationship. The upcoming project was to revamp a

Tom nodded

and humble. Many employees in the department liked her, except

Sloan, the

popped a vein when she heard that the boss

Sue to take on the project, but what right did Bianca have to be involved? Was she,

keep her temper down as she spoke, "Mr. Crawford, Bianca is still a new employee, and her

glared at Bella. "Why, are you questioning my


realized that she had challenged the CEO's authority. What

on his decisions, and no one would be able to change his mind

pressed her lips and said sheepishly, "I

indeed talented. I think it's a

designers looked at

company over many years of

T Corporation's strict structure, a design assistant would take almost a year

only had she become a designer in a few months' time, but she also got

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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