Chapter 322 Let’s Wait for the Designer to Come

Jack was stunned when he saw the beautiful and exquisite design of the new house.

When Jack saw the signature of the designer, a certain "B. Rayne," he said," I'm glad that you like the design, Father. If you are satisfied by this designer, then we'll get them to furnish the rooms after the house is built." "Mm. I've never been so satisfied by a designer before. I like what this boy does!" Old Mr. Norman said happily. He seemed to be at the peak of his health because of his mood.

Jack smiled at his mischievous father. "I believe B. Rayne is female."

Old Mr. Norman glared at him. "No, I'm sure that he's a boy."

Queenie smiled when she saw how the father and son were quibbling over a name. "Why don't we wait until the designer comes over to survey the place? By then, you'd know if they're male or female."

Queenie felt that the designer was female.

Only a woman would submit such a meticulous and romantic design.

'B. Rayne...'

Queenie memorized that name. She suddenly felt something strange in her heart. It ached a little.

"Why isn't Leia here today?" Old Mrs. Norman held Queenie's hand and asked.

Leia was beautiful and had a charming way with her words. The old woman was quite fond of her.

"Leia is busy with her work lately, and her schedule is packed. That's why she's not here today. We'll bring her over again in a few days when she's less busy,” Queenie explained.

Chris seemed unhappy at once. "When is Leia planning to retire from the entertainment industry? How can a daughter of the Norman family have such a public profile? How shameful!"

had never been fond

household, she seemed to be a sweet and

years of experience, was an accurate judge of character. He knew that Leia was not as innocent

and he could only heed his son's

from their parents, and

and visit them for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Chris was

that Leia would enter the entertainment industry after she

No one could

look glamorous, but who knew how

Norman regarded the family reputation very highly, and he could not forgive Leia for becoming an

had tried to gain the old man's favor every time she visited but with little


man would be irritated if she tried to speak

but her in-laws had strongly protested against

in the business world, but her unfulfilled wishes carried on with her. That was why when Leia thought of becoming an actress, she had

have to retire from the industry after that,"

best!" Old Mr.

Old Mrs. Norman shot a glance at her

and followed Old Mrs. Norman

to the study to discuss something, while

frame was placed on one of the

an old family photo in one corner of the

them were Jack and the then- pregnant Queenie. Her right hand

at old photos

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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