Chapter 334 Queenie Meets Bianca...

Leia clenched her fists. How could Bianca be a match with the outstanding Luke?

Old Mr. Norman's eyes sparkled when he heard Luke's introduction of the woman. "Bianca Rayne? Is she the same person that designed my new house?" "Yes, Old Mr. Norman, I am the one who designed your house. If you have any feedback or suggestions about the design, you can contact me about anything." Bianca's tone was gentle and soft, which satisfied Old Mr. Norman greatly.

'Mm, this young woman is not bad. Not only is she courteous, but she's also modest about her talents.'

Old Mr. Norman thought that Bianca was an extraordinary match for Luke.

At the same time, Old Mrs. Norman noticed her granddaughter's unpleasant expression.

From observing how Leia had never once looked away from the man, she knew that her granddaughter had a crush on Luke. 1

However, when Luke said that the woman next to her was his girlfriend...

Leia's expression darkened instantly, and that had made Old Mrs. Norman feel sorry for her.

Old Mrs. Norman truly loved her granddaughter, unlike Old Mr. Norman.

She did not seem pleased with Bianca when she saw that Bianca had snatched Luke's love away from her granddaughter.

Old Mrs. Norman sized up Bianca with a harsh gaze. "The young woman next to you, Luke, which family is she from?"

Luke did not like how Old Mrs. Norman looked at Bianca, but he did not say it.

He held Bianca's hand even more tightly. "She's not from any remarkable family, but she has won my heart." i

Old Mrs. Norman sneered when she heard that Bianca was not a socialite.

Naturally, her gaze on Bianca became even more disdainful.

were outstanding, but Old Mrs. Norman was biased against her. She thought that

why Old Mrs.

had met Old Mrs. Norman and Queenie,

pretended as though nothing happened. He hugged Bianca's waist and nodded at Old Mr. Norman. "I

feel that

want to participate in boring social gatherings like these if not for Old Mr.

Luke. Make yourselves at home,"

Luke brought Bianca away.

couple left. Her eyes flashed with an array of emotions. No one knew what she

had all sorts of amenities, such as internationally- themed bars, restaurants, cafes, and other entertainment outlets.

brought Bianca to

behind an immense floor-to-ceiling window. Next to it

were a teapot and several exquisite porcelain cups. On the sides were two wicker

wicker chairs, one could look at the starry sky as well as the city

not many people went there, and it

bring you home when I've done my obligations." Luke carried Bianca to a wicker

handed her a credit card. "Take the card and buy anything you want. However, you have to be back here before midnight, in case I

Bianca as though he was speaking to a

chair. "I know. I'm

I go missing? I'll just wait for

Luke went back to

seem carefree, but there were certain

were certain people he had to

Bianca lazily

situations. Moreover, it was the first time she had attended a


that Old Mr. Norman was a kind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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