Chapter 335 She Might Have Mistaken Them for Mother and Daughter...

Bianca's eyes looked at Queenie, who was daintily sipping her tea!

She no longer had any positive impressions of that woman.

Bianca knew that many people opposed her relationship with Luke because of their mismatched statuses, but she did not expect that the woman whom she had met for the first time was already asking her to leave Luke on her own accord.

"Whatever your motives might be, Mrs. Norman, I will not leave him," Bianca said coldly. She did not have any respect for Queenie.

Queenie fiddled elegantly with her teacup, but her words were harsh." Bianca, you are newly in love with Luke, and you might find that everything is romantic. However, you should know that falling in love is different from marriage. It's not a matter between two individuals but two families.

"Luke is Allison Tanner's son, and I am good friends with Allison. I know her very well. She wouldn't agree to an unremarkable woman like you being introduced into the household. Without your parents' blessings, your marriage won't last long.

"What do you think you can bring to the Crawford family with your status?

I'm afraid that you'll be nothing but a burden..."

Bianca's chest heaved. "Mrs. Norman, you don't have to worry about what transpires between Luke and me. I only know that I love him, and he loves me. That's enough for the two of us. I admit that my family background isn't anything remarkable, but that's not a reason that we should break up."

Queenie smiled gently, though it was as sharp as a knife. "You live in a fantasy world! Do you think that you only need love in a marriage, Ms. Rayne? When I said that a couple needs matching statuses, I'm not talking about just your families. How about your worldviews, your ambitions, and even your finances? All of those need to match.

"You should know about Leia's family background. We fully support our daughter marrying Luke, and we can bring to T Corporation human and financial resources that will cause it to thrive further.

has gone to elite schools since she was a child. Her results have always been top

good. You might think that there are no problems now, but wait until Luke comes to his senses from his initial infatuation and realizes that you're not a suitable partner for him. When that happens and he suggests that the two of you breakup,


body was trembling,


you keep on saying that Leia is a suitable match for Luke, but have

a marriage, but a marriage without love is like a pond without

your husband together. Maybe Mr. Norman pampers you, and you don't understand how despairing it can be to be stuck in a loveless marriage. I can tell you with my experience, Madam, that when two people who don't love each other are bound by marriage, it would be torture even if they stood near each other, much less live

Perhaps she would act like in cliched romance dramas, throwing a

Bianca would ride on her anger

Bianca's surprise, Queenie seemed indifferent toward her words. Her gaze was gentle, and her patient expression made Bianca wonder

Bianca became more alert.

of a politician. No wonder she

time, and my daughter rarely has someone that she loves. I'm her mother, and it's normal for me to fight for my daughter. I hope you don't mind what I said earlier; what I did was

what she did earlier was because

argue further, seeing that Queenie had apologized first without losing her

she nonetheless felt that the air on the observation deck was

from the chair and looked kindly at

Leia to be a more suitable partner for Luke. Maybe you might

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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